Sony tapes work well with the new HDV camcorders that record in high definition. Previously, I was able to use the cheaper TDK, Fuji, Maxell tapes with my old Sony DV camcorder without problems but these tapes gave dropouts while shooting in high definition. On the other hand, using the higher quality Sony or Panasonic tapes work just fine for HDV. These tapes work and are 1/4 the price of the specialized HDV tapes that Sony offers. The only benefit to spending more for the Sony HDV tapes are longevity. Sony DVC-60 PRR/5 Premium Minidv Videocassette (5-Pack)
Don't be fooled, "premium" means "average consumer grade" in non-Sony speak. But that being said, it's a perfectly fine tape for taping your kids at the local park or a ball game.
The main difference is that consumer tape isn't designed for archival storage, so you may experience more drop-outs or tape delaminating as it gets older.
Mini DV tapes are all pretty good. I know and have worked in the business for years to testify to this. The real difference with pro and am tapes is the mech. that the tape runs through. Pro tapes will take more rewinding, fast. pause. etc.
The best advise is I'd give to anyone is buy a good brand. i.e. Sony, Panasonic, JVC, TDK. Steer clear of the cheaper brands as they will deposit more 'metal oxide' waste on the head of your camera.
A good extra to buy is a cleaning tape. What these do is de mag the heads, and remove the oxides from the drum. A clear sign on required cleaning is when the pixels start showing on play back. An good tip is perhaps clean the head before an important recording just in case.
No problems whatsoever. HDV was made to work on regular DV tapes, so I really don't see the reason for buying those more expensive "HD-grade" DV tapes. I don't think the rated +3dB gain in signal-to-noise ratio of the more expensive tapes makes any difference if you're recording digital content. Perhaps higher quality tapes are needed if you record over and over on the same tape. Anyway, I'm happy with the results I've had so far.
I have been using these tapes for a while and have only received one bad one out of hundreds. We shoot a daily show called Noodle Scar and record on these tapes then use them for archival. Grat deal for the money!!! - Sony Minidv - Sony - Minidv - Tapes'
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