This tool wins over the Furminator hands down. It is much more effective at PULLING out the dead undercoat, rather than the Furminators action of TEARING/CUTTING out the undercoat...AND a lot of top coat to boot. The Oster Rake is a much better tool for removing just the unwanted undercoat. It's gentle on the skin, comfortable for the dog, and very effective and removing the unwanted undercoat and leaving the top coat alone. Oster Professional Pet Grooming Undercoat Rake, 18 Teeth Wide, Coarse
This dog rake is incredible! It does not pull the hair and gets ALL of the undergrowth without stress to the dog.
Be prepared to get covered with hair the first several times you use it (maybe use it outside). The hair justs comes off and leaves the coat silky and smooth. I looked at other websites for this item and it was twice as much.
I plan on sharing this info with lots of friends with dogs
so they can benefit from this wonderful product. It was
suggested by a dog groomer friend of mine and after trying hers I ordered one as soon as possible.
After having been raked with this marvelous undercoat rake, my golden retriever looks a lot better. She looks better, feels better, and obviously enjoys the experience. Or is it the dog bone she gets after? The Oster undercoat rake really took out a lot of hair, including some nasty looking tail hair.
They ought to include a hex wrench that will fit the handle, though. It loosens easily and is positioned so I can't get at it with a standard hex wrench. IKEA hands out hex allen wrenches with their furniture, Oster should do the same with their rakes. Also, the teeth loosen independently and get out of line. I can see that it would be easy to take this apart for cleaning (if necessary?) but it feels a little bit like it will fall apart in the meantime.
I borrowed one of these from a friend and was amazed at how it stripped the undercoat out of my pets. I actually thought my cat looked like he had lost weight after grooming him with the oster rake. I have 2 long haired cats and a husky with significant undercoat. This tool works on all 3 animals. I work part time at a shelter and have seen every type of grooming tool in the market and none of them can touch the oster grooming rake.
This is an excellent tool for grooming your dog. It works well on thin and thick coats, small dogs, large dogs. It cleans out the undercoat without cutting the skin. Untangles knots and tangles easily. Our Havanese looks forward to the grooming - it is like getting a massage! We heard about it from our son who grooms his Tibetian Terrier who has a very thick under coat and thick top coat.
We have two shelties and before I found this fur rake we'd spend hours in the spring and fall cleaning up their undercoat when they began shedding. This tool works great. It gets out the undercoat without pulling the top coat fur and it is fast, easy, and doesn't hurt. Snags and mats can be gently worked out.
We have a rough coated collie with an incredibly thick coat. A professional groomer recommended this product. He does not groom this breed because of time constraints. Worked very well at removing the dead hair and with some snips from the scissors the mats. It removed the hair without yanking and hurting her. Highly recommend! Michael
We had no idea how much our golden retriever was suffering in the summer heat until we got this rake. We spent 2 or 3 weeks grooming her every day getting out 2 years of undercoat. Every session created huge balls of undercoat. She's much happier now and sheds much less. If you have a large medium or long haired dog, one of these rakes is a must. Make sure you get the coarse one if your dog has thick hair, otherwise you won't be able to pull the rake through the coat. Quality on this rake is top notch - it's all stainless steel and designed for heavy duty.
I'd swear this brush makes hair out of thin air. I can't believe how much hair this took off my dog. He will be so much happier this summer and his coat is much smoother now. This is the best brush I have ever used, by far, and dogs seem to enjoy the feeling of being brushed by this tool. When I received it, I didn't look like it would work very well, wow was I wrong. I am amazed. Seriously. - Grooming Tools - Shedding - Deshedding - Dog Brush'
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