This is the sixth air popper I've own. I've tried them from simple to cute and fancy, and the Presto Hot Air Popper is by far the best. Easy to use and clean, it is leaving only a couple of kernels unpopped each run. I am most pleased.
We bought this unit over many others based on user recommendations. We are pleased with it except: You end up holding a giant bowl or grocery bag full of fresh popcorn, and you have to somehow reach over and pull the plug! Duh! How about a simple rocker/on-off switch on the front of the unit?
I got one from a thrift store a long time ago, and it was the best one ever. Then I dropped it and broke it, I found another identical one and bought that one and have been using it ever since. I even bought one for my mother in law and I give them regularly as wedding presents. Everyone loves them.
Put the corn in, plug it in and one minute later your treat is done.
You can pop a 1/2 cup of kernels at any one time, no more no less, the butter melting tray doubles as a 1/2 cup measure (handy).
Pops the corn in under a minute, and it is never burnt.
Outside surface areas of the machine part stay cool to the touch. The top chute gets a little warm, so I'd recommend not touching that for a couple minutes after popping. Butter tray handle is cool to the touch.
Clean up is pretty easy, I put the top chute and butter tray in the top rack of the dishwasher (directions say not to, but I have never had a problem) and the base does not need to be washed.
I can't say enough nice things about this popper.
This Presto Hot Air Popper is fast!!!! Once it passes its "warm-up," it pops, sounding like dozens of firecrackers exploding in a campfire. I use my mixing bowl from my Kitchen-Aid mixer to catch it and melt my butter separately in a stainless steel measuring cup, the cup measure. I buy butter in 1-pound blocks and cut it into 5 pieces. I start my butter melting, then fill the measuring cup with corn to pop,and dump it into the heat chamber. Make sure the chute cover is firmly in place and plug it in. Once the corn has popped, unplug the popper and let it cool. Lightly salt the corn, drizzle the melted butter while stirring/mixing the popcorn, and serve in soup bowls. Later, check the chamber for "dust" and unpopped kernels. A quick turn upside-down over the waste basket finishes the "clean-up!"
I wish the cover either "snapped" into place or was a little heavier. Once I had the cover blow off just as the corn began to pop, very glad I was standing right there watching it and had not wandered off to do something else right quick. Maybe I hadn't blown the chaff out of the groove and the cover was not well seated is why it blew off. But I was right there and avoided a catastrophe! This Popper is FAST!!!
OK, I do love this thing and use it almost every night. As you can see from the picture, the popcorn dispenses into a bowl that you provide. You have to stand there while it's popping and "catch" it. It does get a little wild and unpopped kernals come flying out. You have to make sure you hold a container close to the mouth of the unit, but be careful as your bowl will get VERY hot. You should use a plastic bowl that will absorb the heat so you don't get burned.
I will add that since I started using this, I cannot eat microwaved popcorn anymore. I like the clean taste that you get from the air popped corn.
Have owned it for some time now, and no problems with it except the one time I overfilled it and it cut off...but that was my own fault. Popcorn is always crisp and tasty, no burns, easy to clean. Great popper.
Everyone should keep in mind the 'price' on this product. This product is a good product, especially for the price. Sure, I wish it held more kernels, was a little bit quieter and had a way of better controlling the popcorn exiting the chute. Perhaps I'll get that on my next air popper for TWICE the price as this one, perhaps even MORE than TWICE the price. This small air popper works well, and pops nearly every kernel in the chamber! So no complaints from me whatsoever. I'll keep using this one until it's worn out, or I get a great price on a higher end air popper. Then I'll move this one to my bedroom for those 'snack times' that come up when I don't want to go all the way to the kitchen!
I purchased this air popcorn popper as a birthday gift for my husband. He was thrilled -- it was just like the one he had as a kid. It popped pretty much every kernel of popcorn.
My only caution would be to make sure you measure the popcorn kernels into the machine carefully -- don't overfill it or you'll find yourself with popcorn all over the counter and floor!
It's a great healthy alternative to microwaveable popcorn which is usually too salty and too greasy. - Healthy Eating - Hot Air Popper - Popcorn Popper - Hot Air Popcorn Popper - Air Popper - Dieting Tools'
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