If you are looking for a simple cell phone headset that won't cost you a lot, get this one. I was tired of holding my hot phone up to my face for hours a day so I bought this for $0.01 plus shipping. While it's clearly not as fancy as some of the Bluetooth headsets, it does a good job. Everyone has been able to hear me just fine, and I can hear them just as well as I ever could. Motorola 2.5mm Mono Hands-Free Headset - Black
I have been quite impressed by the audio clarity of this Motorola hands-free headset. For all the talk about bluetooth headsets, none comes close to this when it comes to voice clarity, sending or receiving.
Also, the ear bud makes it a comfortable wear.
This device is like a Toyota Camry. It does the job to perfection. You couldn't ask for anything more reliable.
Like others have commented, this is not a Motorola product... its a Nextel. I bought this product multiple times in the past and received a very good performing Motorola headset. When this one arrived I was disappointed to see they changed the product and failed to update the title or description. The Nextel is an o.k headset, but not nearly as good as my old Motorola's.
I was so happy with first purchase, had to buy another just so I had two! The sound quality is higher than any I've tried. I actually need to turn volume down on my phone which is unusual. No problems so far.
If you buy this from this seller please note that the item I received was not Motorola but another brand which upon emailing an inquiry to the seller was assured it was identical.
The function is OK and equal to one I purchased at the 99 Cent Store the next week for 99 cents to compare.
In my opinion, since not Motorola and not any better than a cheap one, buy the cheap one and save the money.
I purchased this product so that I could get away from constantly holding the cellphone right up to my ear. I have heard alot about radiation from cell phones so I ordered this product to somewhat lessen the amount of radiation. The day I received it, it had so much static. You would only be able to hear the other party on the phone in bits and pieces. This product was quite inexpensive but It definitely wasn't worth any amount of money. You get what you pay for. Lesson learned.
The headsets were not expensive but they did not work.The earphones were not clear and the mic had static to the extent that the other party heard loud distortion and echo.I purchased 3 and the same defects were in each device.
I don't need to say much besides my review title. Unlike a lot of people, my use for this thing is for X2 (XBOX 360). It's absolutely perfect for XLIVE gaming. Simply plug it into the ear, then the control and THAT'S IT. I highly recommend it over those ridiculously over-priced and crappy Microsoft brand headsets. ANYONE who plays over XLIVE knows that they suck...massively. The worst thing about this ear piece, is the durability. Their much too delicate.
I'm done here so I'm gonna conclude with this: Buy it and just be gentle with it. Don't let it tangle, get pulled and put it away (when not in use) in a moderately safe spot.
Unfortunately I read a few of the reviews warning not to buy this piece of crap but bought anyway thinking it was an original equipment manufacturer's version which worked fine but it wasn't. Be very aware that this is truly a waste of money no matter how cheap it is. I am constantly told my voice can not be heard but the background noise comes through like 'gangbusters'. You can hear who you are talking too but they can barely hear you. - Earpiece - Wired Headsets - Adaptor - Motorola'
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