My husband snores like there's no tomorrow and this is the only thing I've found that stops him. They don't last all night but they work for a decent period of time - a few hours maybe? I'm not sure because I've fallen asleep! And the minty breath is a bonus!
To know if these will work for you, though, you need to know if the cause of snoring is in the nose or the throat. If it's in the nose, these won't do anything for the problem. If the cause is in the throat, try them. They're well worth the price for a good night's sleep!
Although dubious at first, when presented with a "gift" of Snore Relief, I gave them a try. Was surprised to find that they do help. Somehow helps to moisten the throat all night which contributes to easier breathing. It's also nice to wake up to a minty mouth!
These seem to help for a short time (and make your breath smell good!) but you might have to re-apply sometime overnight, like when you get up to use the bathroom, in order to have no snoring all night long.
Thumbs up! This product has worked for me. It has virtually eliminated my snoring problem. The strips are easy to use and they have a good taste. My wife used to complain that my snoring was interrupting her sleep. Since I started using Snore Relief a few months ago, the complaints have stopped. If you snore, this is definitely worth a try.
If you purchase this product make sure to look at the box carefully. If the package says Distributed by CNS, Inc then the product is EXPIRED. I contact Glaxo Smith Kline that purchased all Breathe Right Products in 2006 and gave them the Lot Number from the bottom of the box and they then informed me that this product has a shelf-life of only TWO years and to return the product immediately. Again, only use this product if the box shows Distributed By: GlaxoSmithKline and even then I would call them and provide them with the Lot Number to be sure! I've used this product before and had some relief with it, so that is why it gets 3 stars. Thanks for reading.
Breathe Right Snore Relief Throat Strips, Wintergreen, 30-Count Packages (Pack of 2)
I've been using the Snore Relief Throat Strips in conjunction with the Breathe Right Nasal Strips,(Extra), so I'm not able to say definitively if the Throat Strips work are not. As long as my wife doesn't complain about my snoring, then I'll keep on using the Throat Strips with the Nasal Strips. In essence, I'm shooting flies with a shot gun to eliminate snoring and keep it that way.
I am a light sleeper and my husband snores like there's no tomorrow. We discovered Snore Relief Throat Strips and now I can get a good nights sleep. I can really tell the difference when he forgets to use Snore Relief. Husband has tried the nose strips and the throat spray, but he likes the throat strips much better. Snore Relief has saved my marriage!!
It's a little hit-and-miss with these. They do make some difference - my partner didn't snore nearly as loud in the beginning of the night... which is the time that matters most to me since I can't fall asleep when he's sawing logs like crazy. Then as the night wore on, it did get worse. But I'll take what I can get. I give these an "ok."
This has been the only thing that worked for my husband's snoring. For years we have tried all sorts of "cures" such as nose strips, sprays, pillows, mouthpiece, etc. My father saw these and bought them for him, but were set aside (as nothing has worked before) so we forgot about them. After he found them in his nighstand, one night in desperation I asked my husband to try them. I was very surprised when I was able to sleep the whole night through. Thinking it was just a coincidence I made him use these a few more nights, and they worked then too. Now I can tell when he forgets because of the loud, constant snoring. Every night I remind him to use his Throat Strip. He thinks it is not possible that something so simple could solve our problem, and maybe I finally got used to it, but after 14 years of dealing with snoring I know that the nights he uses this he does not snore and the nights he forgets he snores as usual. We have been using these for about 2 months and they are still efective, which makes me extremely happy. I have 2 fears--that they will be discontinued, and that his body will get used to these and they will become ineffective. For now I am happy that I have been able to buy more packs from amazon. - Prevent Snoring - Snore Reducing Aids - Mint - Breathe Right'
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