I have been drinking coconut water for one year now. It has really helped me improve my health. I get far less headaches that is for sure. I used to wake up with terrible headaches and after tracing everything it could possibly be and getting rid of those triggers, I still had headaches.
Now, I drink at least 10 oz of coconut water per day and my headaches have been cut by 75%. At night, I will often hydrate before bed. At the gym, I put it in my sports bottle. It is so much healthier than the Alligator Ade and colored vitamin waters. During gym days, I'll drink as much as 22 oz.
It's just pure coconut water with so much potassium. Low potassium can cause muscle cramping and cardiovascular irregularities. A can of this stuff is perhaps one of the quickest ways you can hydrate and help yourself if you are experiencing symptoms of heat stroke or severe dehydration or JUST feeling a bit sluggish. It has been an amazing experience for me.
Google "potassium and health" and you will see all the benefits of just a few guzzles. A banana has about 450 mgs of potassium while 10 oz of coconut water has 650 mgs.
Also, it is soothing on my stomach and doesn't exacerbate car sickness and IMO, is best very cold.
About this brand, "Nature Factor". I purchased it here on Amazon as it was on sale. I like the can (vs. the box) because it chills in the frig better, but I would have to say it's not the best coconut water. It's not bad, it's just not YUMMY. It has a satisfactory taste, almost a non existent taste. Whereas other coconut waters, such as "O.N.E." and "Harvest Bay" brand tastes really good and "Vita-Coco" tastes sour-horrible.
I do not buy the waters with added sugar. That defeats the purpose of the healthy drink and it really doesn't need any added sweetness if it is a good, clean coconut water.
Also, instead of stocking my earthquake emergency stash with water, I have stocked with cases of coconut water. Think about it. If you need to hydrate during an emergency situation where resources are limited, wouldn't the electrolytes and benefits of coconut water be better than just plain old water? Each gulp would be 5 times more beneficial.
If you are curious about coconut water, this is a decent enough brand to give it a try. Since they all taste so different, it's interesting to try all the brands to see which one you prefer. Good health to you all.
I used to get several cases of ZICO on subscription here on amazon. But Zico changed their packaging AND processing (instead of fresh, it's now from concentrate). If it had still tasted the same, I prolly wouldn't care it was from concentrate, really. But when does a "from concentrate" drink EVER taste as good as natural. Have natural tangerine juice, then drink one from concentrate? Yeah, not the same.
So, I've tried O.N.E. and VitaCoco and assorted brands found in supermarkets and Latino stores over the years. But I always went back to Zico. Now that Zico is horrible (tastes and smells funny), I needed a new coconut water for my daily fix. I decided to try this since amazon offered it to me in a Gold Box Deal. Well, it arrived today and I LOVE IT.
It has a nice sweetness and a clean taste and it's got that refreshing quality that chilled coconut water gives. Heck, I even like it at room temperature. It's not the stinky-sour horror Zico now is.
I also like that it's organic. That's a bonus!
I agree with the other reviewer that the can is great for chilling it up real cold.
UPDATE: Apparently, this brand pasteurizes at quite high temps, so there is a legitimate concern that it loses nutrient content. I therefore recommend that, for those who want more than just a great taste, you either email the company and confirm if they have switched to flash pasteurization, or switch to Amy and Brian's (which flash pateurizes and has a BPA free container).
I disagree with the reviewer that says those other brands are tastier. I grew up drinking coconut water (my dad would split them open with a machete for us to sip straight out of the coconut), and this one tops O.N.E., which has been my Zico substitute until now, and VitaCoco (which I do agree is sourish and way down the choice list). But what "tastes good" is subjective and we won't agree on best taste. But I can tell you this tastes really close to real coconut water fresh from a tree in your backyard (though nothing beats the real, fresh thing). I'm assuming changes in flavor are to be expected since coconut water will vary from nut to nut. Even Zico was not consistent formerly, sometimes sweeter, sometimes more water, depending, I assume, on the batch of coconuts. Any drink that's from actual fresh juice will have variations (and I guess Zico went to concentrate in part to standardize the flavor). So, I may just have a crazy good batch here in my hands. :)
I've just signed on for a subscription and three cases are on their way to me, yay! Thanks, Amazon, for this alternative now that I'm exiled from Zico. Heh.
Update: I tried Amy and Brian's CW after this one, and I actually prefer the A&B due to the sweetness. It has that lovely light, clean, fresh taste that Nature Factor has, just sweeter. That may not be the best for everyone (some folks will want it less sweet, not more, due to the difference in carbs). But for me, I love sweetness, so I'm hooked. But you can't go wrong with either NF or A&B. Enjoy either or both--as I will. So great to discover fabulous new beverages that are healthful.
Addendum re Potassium: This possible potassium-compromising may end up being great for those who want, not just organic, but to minimize potassium intake but enjoy coconut water (ie, those on Ace Inhibitors or potassium sparing drugs, those with kidney function issues). I'd check with the company first--definitely-- to make sure of actual postassium content before considering it safe for the K-avoiding crowd. Something to consider, though, what with so many Americans on high blood pressure meds. But until the company confirms or denies or makes clear what it's ACTUAL end-product electrolytes/Potassium content is, K-avoiders should avoid all coconut water unless your docs okay it. - Coconut - Electrolytes - Health - Magnesium - Potassium - Organic'
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