I have been using my Canon PowerShot S30 camera for a couple of years now. When I purchased it, I also purchased an extra generic rechargeable battery pack to go with it. At the time I figured I would save the money and name brands are not always better. Looking back on it, I wish I sould have spent the extra $25 and gotten a Canon battery. The generic battery only lasts about a 1/4 of the time that my Canon battery does. Also after a couple of years of use my Canon is still running strong while my generic battery barely lasts at all. I am now getting ready to purchase a second battery for my Canon for a family trip in September and I will only be purchasing a Canon brand battery.
THE BOTTOM LINE: If you are going to be cheap and a penny pincher, then you are going to get a cheap worthless battery. If you want a battery that will keep its charge and that you can count on, buy a Canon battery. Canon NB-2LH Rechargeable Battery Pack for Rebel XT/XTi Digital SLR Cameras and VIXIA HV Series and ZR Series Camcorders (Retail Package)
This battery is long-lasting! I own two of them for my Digital Rebel XT camera!
I also (until recently) had the Canon S50 camera and the battery did very well with it!
This battery seems to charge very fast too!
I think it is well-worth buying 2 of them, but the battery lasts so long that you can easily get by with only one!
If you use AI focus along with an IS lens a lot make sure you buy about 4 of these if you plan to shoot for more than a few hours in a day without recharging. I can get about 1,000 pictures out of two when used with the Rebel XT and battery grip when I am not using AI focus. But with AI activated I have been left without any juice on several occasions. That is why I ordered two more of these, to make sure I can get 3-4 hours of AI focus shooting without having to recharge.
With all the recent news about Chinese knockoffs of digital camera batteries, especially on Ebay, getting genuine Canon batteries is a priority for me. Why try to save a few dollars on an off-brand battey and risk burning up the expensive camera? Not worth it to me.
Plus the Canon batteries have the capacity and life-span that you expect.
Pay the extra amount so you don't have to worry about damaging your camera.
I got an extra battery for my new Canon Digital Rebel XTI. The battery charges in one to two hours, takes hundreds of pictures, and lasts (at least) weeks in standby mode. In 6 weeks and over 400 pictures, I have charged the battery that came with the camera once, charged the spare, and the spare is now in the camera, still showing full charge. Quite a change from even a couple of years ago when digital camera batteries took 50 pictures or so and lost charge in a few days.
I know people who have gotten 3rd party products for other Canon cameras (not this one) and these did not work. The Canon is more expensive, but I consider it worth the extra.
I've been using these in the Rebel XT since about two weeks. On Friday I went to a show at a local bar and took about 600 shots in medium to low light conditions (just small stage lights lighting up the band) and finally killed the battery after about 2 1/2 hours/600 shots.
What else should I say? Just imagine you are running out of battery during a precious trip you planned a long time. For my XTi, each pack can take at least 400 photos with 10% flash usage. The recharging only takes about 1 hours.
I spend several days at a time in the forest on horseback - no convenient way to recharge a battery pack. I have a Rebel XTi and have yet to run out of power whether shooting wildlife during the day or around the campfire at night. Great peace of mind and a great product. - Battery Pack - Photography - Digital Rebel - Battery'
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