I recently moved into a home that has a well & I instantly started noticing a major difference (for the worse) with my hair. I have naturally curly, fine hair that started getting very dry & thinning, by the handful. Not to mention my highlights were turning an ugly, gritty orange color. After doing MAJOR research online, I found this shower filter & decided to buy it after reading all the positive reviews. I'm not one who usually takes the time to write reviews (although I should b/c I rely on everyone else's when I purchase products)...but, this filter is AMAZING...just like many reviewers already mentioned. It really does work & I'm sooo thankful I found it. It's only been about 5 days since I installed it but my hair is already dramatically better. The curls have come back & I'm not losing a ton of hair when I shower, or after. I can't rave enough about it....I will definitely be purchasing replacement filters because I won't be living without this shower system anymore! Its a must have!!! Esp if you are on well water that has iron & is hard water... Jonathan Product Beauty Water Shower Purification System
I purchased this product after my other shower filter system converted their filter media to KDF 55 (copper-zinc chlorine oxidation method). I developed rashes on my scalp, neck, back and shoulders and my eyelids swelled up. I am normally very healthy and not on any medications. I went to my dermatologist, allergist, eye doctor and finally internist trying to determine the cause. I was tested for 200 known allergens, but the tests were negative for anything that would be causing my symptoms. My doctor agreed that I should have extensive blood work done to rule out any systemic disease. Everything came back (luckily) that I was completely healthy. The rash was classified at atopic dermatitis. It seems like it would be simple to figure this out, but at first I didn't know that the filter media had been changed from pure carbon. When I did research and found out, I thought I just needed to add the carbon component to clear up my skin, so I tried this system because it has both and also I couldn't find a pure carbon system. I finally found another shower filter that is carbon only and my symptoms have disappeared.I may be allergic to copper that is leached into the water from this kind of filter media. I am amazed that most of the filtration systems I have looked into contain this new filter media KDF 55 which contains copper and zinc. It is supposedly really good at eliminating chlorine, but if you are sensitive to copper it is a major problem. Please be aware.
I did pretty extensive research in regards to what shower head filter would work best with well water. I had read other reviews and some stated the Jonathan product was the exact same as another well known product with a different label. My research proved that to be untrue. I actually called the other products rep and was told that due to the similarities that the confusion did happen, but that the Jonathan actually removed more minerals out of the water than their product did. Internally there are differences. The Jonathan is a bit more expensive and so are the replacement filters, but my problem was not Chlorine (city water) but well water, so it was worth it to spend a bit more. The brasiness is leaving my hair and I would suggest this to anyone dealing with well water who is having an issue.
I live in DC where we have hard water (due to calcium and magnesium). I tried the Sprite shower filter which works great to remove chlorine from the water but it does nothing to balance the PH level which is the root of the hard water problem. My hair was sticky, dried out, dull, my hair color was probably 2 shades darker because of the mineral deposits. It had gotten to the point where I was washing my hair with bottled water because tap water was was destroying my hair.
I started using the Jonathan system about a week ago and my hair felt dramatically better the very first time I took the shower with the filter installed. My hair is now soft, smooth, shiny, and bright. And my skin feels amazing too - it's not dried out and red.
This shower filter lives up to its promise and gives you healthy, soft, manageable hair. If you color your hair - as I do - it's worth every penny because what's the point is paying all of that money for a certain hair color only to have it ruined by hard water? I love this shower filter!
I have asthma, all my life since birth. My doctor 3 years ago, was prescribing me three different types of asthma meds, today, I haven't used an inhaler for over 3 years. WhenI would take showers, on ocasions, I would weeze from all of the chlorine in the water,iturns to vapor, in the shower, not to mention all the 200+ other chemicals put in the water. But with this shower filter, I was impressed how good of a job they do, I smell no chlorine, only fresh water. Thanks Jonathan Products, your well appeciated by me. Also, I drink distilled water, to increase the amount of oxygen in the body, ridding toxins easier. I recommend it for anyone whom suffers from asthma. And everyone else, they shouldn't put all those "unnessessary" chemicals in our water. Chlorine is a known cancer causing agent. Also, Fluoride acummulates in the body, causing brain damage, destroying the thyroid gland, destroying your kidneys, and overall, your immune system. And all of us taxpayers, pay for this stuff to be put in there. Shipped from China, most of it. They spnd millions of our tax money, to poison us? How mean.
I have had this product for 6 months now and can't imagine how I showered without it. I have well water in my home and always felt dirty when I got out of the shower. Like a film on my skin, plus my hair would be difficult to dry and style. Since installing the filter my long hair takes 10 minutes to dry and my styling takes better and lasts longer. My skin feels clean and more supple. I color my hair and the color lasts longer and looks great. Before, the color would start to turn and I would need to go back to the salon more often. I want to note that I have a reverse osmosis plus charcoal whole house filter, which I installed when I built my home. This filter does such a better job. Also I have a glass enclosure in my shower that would get spots and film from all the metals and impurities in my water. Now it takes much longer for that to develop so I have to clean the shower less frequently. What an added bonus!!! My only gripe? $50 for replacement cartridges. OUCH! But it is really worth it for all the benefits. - Health - Shower Filter - Shower Head Filters - Showerhead'
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