The Phytoestrogen Body Cream, for me, has been the best natural way of bringing hormonal/emotional balance. I had a complete hysterectomy last year and decided I didn't want to rely on too many synthetic remedies to help me through the menopausal symptoms. This creme has hepled tremendously, especially with the emotional side of the hormonal change! I highly recommend this to anyone who'd rather go the more "natural" way.Emerita Phytoestrogen Body Cream with Black Cohosh, 2-Ounce Tube
I'm 47 and have had prei-menopausal symptoms for couple of years now. I have tried the estroplus (helped some but also had problems sometimes) alone and used progestrone alone and also had trouble. I didn't know I was suppose to use both together. When I did, it works great. I only use (in separate body parts) 1/8 tsp (use more if I think I need more) in am & pm, but sometimes in between if I shower or have hot flashes, hot feet or itchy body. I've been on it for about a month and have energy enough to workout and lost 5 lbs. I sleep ok and able to control some of my cravings, so I was able to stay on my insulin resistant diet. I use progestrone 3 weeks out of the month (not when I'm menstrating), but I maybe able to reduce to 2 weeks once my body gets back into making its own progestrone.
I went into trying this product not very convinced of it's efficacy, but willing to try it due to the rave reviews. I was specifically looking for relief for hot flashes, dry vaginal tissue, and lack of muscle tone on the pelvic floor.
Because of my doubts, I gathered data for two weeks prior: number, intensity and approximate duration of hot flashes; general feel of vaginal moisture; and success with urinary control, Kegels, and general intensity of muscle tone. The dosage I used was 1/4 tsp. rubbed daily into the fatty areas of my body (since fat has an affinity towards hormones). I chose my abdomen; however, in hindsight, the breasts might have been better due to their close proximity to the armpit/lymph system connection.
For the first week, I did not find any significant reduction of hot flashes, or improvement of muscle tone. Vaginal dryness was somewhat alleviated.
Second week I had highly increased moisture, plus noticeably increased muscle tone. Hot flashes were still problematic. They were slightly decreased in intensity, but frequency and duration were still high (3-6 times/day).
Third week was when it started being comprehensibly effective. Vaginal moisture evened out; muscle tone was steadily improving; and hot flashes dropped from 5-6/day to 0-2. Intensity of hot flashes has also dropped, making most night time hot flashes feel like a need to kick off the covers.
Of course, this is only one person's experience, and it's not like I could have given myself a placebo. But according to my data and personal experience, this has proven to be vary effective.
I have had hot flashes, & insomnia with palpitations off and on for a couple of years now. I am 46. I could control these with eating soy products or garbanzo beans/hummus. Recently I found that those no longer were controlling my symptoms of peri menopause. I would wake up in the middle of the night sweating and then be awake for hours and would have multiple episodes of hot flashes during the day. I love Emerita's skin products and happened upon the Phytoestrogen Body Cream. When I got it I applied around 1/2 tsp on my forearms and then rubbed those on my abdomen to absorb the cream. It only took around 3 days or so before I had absolutely no hot flashes during the day whatsoever and when I wake up at night it's not because I'm sweating and with palpitations. I am thrilled!
It's been 5 years since I began menopause and I wanted to use something other than HRT because I was having problems with it. I used many different herbal pills on the market for relieving hot flashes and night sweats but nothing worked. I was miserable, woke up many times during the night sweating then feeling chilled, all day long, I had hot flashes until I decide to use this cream.
I use this cream also in conjunction with Emerita Progest, progesterone cream as indicated, 1/8 of a teaspoon twice a day, and my symptoms have disappeared! I now sleep much better, no more night sweats and the constant hot flashes are gone. My symptoms improved fast. During my first month, I had a few hot flashes and night sweats, but by the second month they were all gone!
Best over the counter remedy I have found with no side effects.
I first used this product last night. This morning was the first morning that I woke up with out a dried mouth. Surely this can't work this fast. On the first day, is this possible? Instructions say to use it twice a day. I just rubbed a little on my upper inner arm and on my stomach. I feel really good! My brain does not buzz. It must have had an ingredent in it, that I needed. - Menopause - Health - Feminine Hygiene - Night Sweats'
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