This cover is for all intents and purposes 100% perfect. Why I received my package (cover and Kindle) I first opened the cover. After looking it over I then opened the Kindle and put it straight in the case.
Putting the Kindle in the case is very easy. All you need to do is align the bottom prong on the cover with the bottom slot on the side of the Kindle. Once you put that one in you then align the top prong and slot, slide the prong down, insert, and release.
The top prong is spring loaded. This ensures that the Kindle is held in snugly but can still be taken out of the case with ease.
As you may notice, this cover is very similar to the Amazon cover but is far superior for one reason. Inside the cover it has two corner straps opposite the pronged edge and yet it is still the same price as the Amazon cover!
This is a pretty big deal. One thing that has been known to happen is a person picking up their Kindle and cover and then opening up the 'Back' flap of the kindle cover. Because the prongs are attached to the back flap, and the Kindle is attached to the prongs the plastic around the prongs cracks. With the straps within the M-edge cover will not arise.
The rundown -
- Pros -
* It's leather - One person said it smells funny. It smells like leather and leather oil
* Price - $29.99, thank you!
* Perfect fit - Other M-edge covers have a large spine so they can hold their special book-light. This one is plain and simple!
* Secure - It has straps!
- Cons -
* It doesn't do the dishes? Nope, guess I still have to do them.
This is a perfect 5/5 M-Edge GO! Leather Kindle Jacket with Hinge (Fits 6" Display, 2nd Generation Kindle), Smooth Mocha Brown
I just received my M-Edge GO! jacket in today's mail. (3 days sooner than they said it would be here!)
What a difference from the Amazon Kindle2 jacket I had been using, which, FWIW, cost the same.
The M-Edge is good quality leather, doesn't STINK like the other one did, and feels good in my hands. It feels soft and smooth to the touch.
The mocha color is a little darker than it appears on the website, but still very nice and looks "classy".
I like the little bands that hold the right corners in, along with the hinge for the left side. Feels nice and secure.
It's a little thicker than the Amazon one, but that just makes it feel as though it will protect my Kindle better. It still folds neatly for one handed reading, and still fits into the case I've been using for transport.
Thumbs up, M-Edge!
The Go cover by m-edge is really nice. If you liked the amazon cover but would like better quality leather, a different color and just general overall better quality this cover is for you.
I just received my mocha brown cover today and it is very nice. Feels better to hold than the amazon cover. Its slightly thicker which I feel makes it more comfortable. The spine is more sturdy than the amazon cover. It still fold back flat and has a slim profile. Since this cover is priced the same as amazon's cover I would highly recommend this cover. Its a bargain as the leather and the overall quality is much nicer than amazon's cover. I hope they eventually add more colors such as blue and green like they have with there other jackets.
Buyer beware! This cover may seem like the perfect accessory for your Kindle 2, but it could DESTROY YOUR KINDLE! As you may already know, the hinge system on the Kindle 2 is kinda faulty--if you put too much pressure on the hinges, it starts forcing the Kindle apart and cracking it. With normal use, the latches on the M-edge GO! actually bent upwards and started to break apart my Kindle. Thank God I caught it before it did any permanent damage. I sent it back before the 30 days were up for a full refund. I'm sure there are lots of people who were satisfied with the product, but in my opinion, this cover is NOT WORTH THE RISK.
For those who have the Amazon case this is pretty much the same general design. You have the hinges in the center spine which secure the Kindle2. This however, unlike the Amazon case also has additional corner straps on the opposite side to keep the Kindle secured to the back of the cover.
The leather is of nice quality and is breaking in nicely. The folding it backwards for reading was never a real problem big problem but it was a little stiff for the first day or two but its easier now that it has broken in a bit. The padding seems to be ever so sightly thicker than the Amazon one and although I wont consciously test it I feel that it would provide some protection for my Kindle should it fall.
I really like the brown they selected for this cover as well. Its a medium/dark brown marbled with dark brown.
There's nothing quite like the smell of leather. And while books aren't bound in leather anymore, it's an aroma that just goes hand in hand with a comfortable chair, and a good book.
The GO! uses a very nice, rich brown leather that is soft, but with enough texture to make it easy to keep a good grasp of the Kindle as you read. It looks like a book, and adds just enough weight to the Kindle to make it feel like a book as well.
The front cover folds back behind the Kindle for easy one-hand reading. A touch stiff in the spine at first, it seems like it will loosen up with some use. The covers are also stiff enough to provide some protection for the screen. The Kindle mounts securely in it, and doesn't slide around at all while reading.
There are no pockets inside or out, and no clasp to keep the covers closed. This is purely a cover, and not a glorified organizer that happens to hold a Kindle. But if you just want a simple, elegant Kindle cover that doesn't get in the way, you can't go wrong with the GO! - Kindle - Kindle 2 Case - M-edge - Kindle 2 Leather Cover'
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