We were going to go on vacation a couple weekends back. This item caught my eye and I bought it for my little sister. She absolutely loves it and has made some spectacular pictures with it. For the price you can't complain if you know somebody that would appreciate these, or if you have the desire yourself. Pentel Arts Oil Pastels, 36 Color Set (PHN-36)
I love this set. I am new to using oil pastels, and I am delighted with the simplicity of this substance. It does get tricky when learning to blend colors or how to layer a little, but it wouldn't be fun or worth the paper it's on if its not a tiny bit challenging. This is a great beginners kit for learning to have fun creating art without all the discouraging complications or difficult challenges other mediums present. This is just one step up from sidewalk chalk to me. I would like even more colors. However, this has a wide range of variety and great quality for a bargain.
My daughter likes these but I gotta say I was slightly disappointed. They advertise blending smoothly into each other as the "rainbow picture" on the box , where the artist should be able to overlap the colors and make a new color. They just do not work in such a way. It is very hard to get a smooth design out of these, the art comes out streaky and smudgy. They do not blend at all. The box states "Pastels apply smoothly and blend easily for subtle shades, tints and color mixtures." -- There is nothing subtle about the way the picture looks after trying to blend with these pastels. In all honesty, they just feel like glorified crayons. - Bargain - Oil Pastel - Oil Paints - Art Supplies'
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