This toy was very educational- it got me thinking, and inspired creativity.
This button is AMAZING! My boss has an easy button, so of course I had to get one too... because I'm just that kind of employee...lol... riiiiight. I wondered if I could swap the guts of an easy button with a BS button... so I ordered both on Amazon, and had some fun doing a little creative soldering, trimming of internal plastic (under "easy"), and use of a rubber band to hold the pressure button from the easy button in place on the BS button after soldering the wires (see below for walk-through).
A switcheroo when he was out of his office, and presto: an innocuous looking button that lets out a random phrase letting you know what it REALLY was (hint: not easy)! That was easy.
DISCLAIMER: I work in an agency with a "high ops-tempo" and difficult cases where "everything is a crisis," and most importantly, a boss who gets my sense of humor. Try this at your own risk.
Remove feet from easy button, set aside (don't lose), sticky side up.
Separate halves of buttons, and carefully remove wires from easy button board (leaving them on the battery pack and speaker for ease), and BS button board.
Wire Connections:
Easy Button
white- VDD
Red- Speakers
BS Button
Black- GND
Red- VCC
White- Speakers
I recommend soldering to the back of the BS board (just find the appropriate spot and solder- it beats trying to jam wires into the board- good luck with that)
Your red wires become speaker wires, so solder those to their proper spot on the BS button.
Blk stays blk, so just solder that wire to the GND spot.
The white wire goes to where the red used to go, so solder that to the VCC spot.
You left the yellow and blue wires dangling from the LED on the BS button shell, so don't worry about those. They don't get used.
Loosely screw your Frankenstein's Monster's Trojan Button's guts down in one spot using an existing screw hole- button side down. Leave room to slide the metal plate back in place (it's makes a pop/click noise when you press the button, and is necessary for a convincing transformation).
Now would be a good time to affix the pressure switch (the rubber button from the top of the easy button). It will work on the BS button board to complete the circuit. I used a rubber band to hold the pressure switch in place (loop it around the middle of the board from one side of the switch, and back over the switch to hold it down).
On the back of the easy button's red shell there are four posts. You'll have to clip them almost all the way down. If you've tried to screw it down before now (impatient, aren't we), you'll have noticed that it doesn't fit. Keep clipping until it fits snugly over the top and you can slide the metal plate back under the guts so when it's all assembled the pressure pushes the guts down onto the pressure switch and clicks the plate at the same time). Screw it back together, and replace the feet.
Let the fun begin! Bullsh*t Button
I keep my BS button by my desk. Whenever someone comes to me with a ridiculous question, an absurd assignment, or opinion that they should have left at THEIR desk, I push my BS button. Nothing clarifies communications, shortens discussions, or moves managers along faster than a healthy does of "That Was BS!"
I love it! The first time that I saw the BS button was when a co-worker brought one in that he bought locally. Another co-worker of mine found the BS button on Amazon; I immediately ordered two. The one that I intended to keep for myself is now a fixture in one of my hangouts and gets heavy use and my significant other has the other one, which has also seen heavy use. I heartily recommend the BS button as a fun thing & recommend DollTV as the place to buy one.
I bought this as a bit of a gag gift for my mother. She is always screaming at the TV when various game-shows and programs pull some well... You know what!
This is a great toy to keep around the house and might go over well at a place of work that is relaxed about cursing. It is a fun toy that says it as it is basically. In terms of relative size this button is around 1/2 the diameter of a Staples "EASY" button. It feels to be just the right size and the audio it puts out is crystal clear.
The button comes with 5 different ways to say exactly what you really want to say without actually having to say it. It is pretty sturdy with construction, durable plastic, though for the price don't expect it to withstand being thrown around or dropped form very high places. The device takes 2-AAA batteries and will require a Philips-Head Jeweler's screwdriver to undo the screw holding the battery compartment closed.
OVERALL I would say this is a great gag gift or item to keep around a relaxed atmosphere office. It is durable enough that it could take a bit of abuse if you decide to slap down on the button, and should definitely get a few laughs. Although small it puts out a loud, good quality audio. A great toy that will certainly say it as YOU see it.
*NOTE: Batteries are Included pre-installed.
Love this BS button. I put this on top of my PC which is on my desk, that way it is always ready when I need it. Very funny, just don't overdo it as it can be annoying. My other officemates want one too, but no can do. There should only one BS button in this workplace, and it shall be on my desk.
Everything is made of plastic. The button is just a tad less than 3 inch in diameter. It shipped with batteries too.
I can't believe I ordered this. But it turned out it's worth it :)
Great gift idea.
I bought this as a Christmas Gift literally for a guy who buys whatever he wants and needs himself. It's a nightmare finding something he doesn't already have. This gift was a big hit with everyone and made Christmas day more interesting and fun. HOWEVER I would not buy this for a child or even call it a toy. It is not appropriate for most children as it has several rude phrases it says randomly at a push of the button. - Gift Idea - Gag Gift - Humor - Easy Button'
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