I'm 6'5" 270 pounds. So when I looked into stability balls I was really concerned with whether one would support me. So far, so good. I got it yesterday, blew it up in a few minutes, and sat on it (hesitantly at first) for over an hour. Then worked out for about an hour. It seems very durable and able to maintain my weight without a problem. The exercises on this thing are super effective, as I can feel today. The ball is just right as far as size goes.
Someone complained about the pump, but I found it efficient. It's like a huge syringe. It worked fine. It only took me a few minutes to pump the ball up and that was with my one year old hanging on me so he could mess with the ball.
If something happens and this product fails in some way, I will immediately update this review so that anyone who's concerned can know. So if you don't see an update, the TKO's going strong. TKO Anti Burst Fitness Ball Set 75cm
I have two exercise balls -- one for home and one for work.
This is the ball that replaced my office chair at work. I sit on it daily, frequently bounce on it when no one is around, and it has rolled around my floor with coworkers a couple of times. I've only inflated it once (the initial time) in the time I've had it -- over three months!! I weigh about 130lb (+/-) so I don't add a *ton* of constant weight on the ball. It has lost *some* air (it's not perfect after all), but it's still very firm. (I will probably re-inflate it this week or next.) Three additional bonuses about the ball: (1) since it's a dark color it doesn't pop out at people as they walk by me at work; (2) it's neither sticky nor overly smooth; and (3) it's anti-burst. The ball has a good texture that keeps you in place but doesn't pick up lint/dust. Some balls seem to attract it. Also, if you've seen that episode of "The Office" ([...]) you can appreciate the importance of an anti-burst ball. I haven't tested out this feature (and don't plan on it!), but I am glad that it is there since ANY stability ball can be popped.
The exercise ball that I have at home (GoFit) has lost air much quicker and I don't use it 1/10th as frequently! When I replace my GoFit, I'll definitely go with another TKO!
The thing that "bothered" me a bit was that there was little to no info on this website that had "height recommendations". The Ball had it on the side and it suggested this size for people over 6 ft tall.
That being said, I really didn't want to go through the hassle of returning it. At 5'8", I'd prefer to take my chances. I was pleased with the size and quality of the ball. It is nice and durable. Mine came with a hand pump and while my friends had a good laugh while I inflated it, it works fine for me now.
I am a proponent of fitness and the intent of my review is not to tout the benefits of using this product. As an active individual, I decided on this item to add dimension, that I thought needed, to my routine. I also intended to use this ball as a supporting structure (chair) for my writing assignments and such. Having used "fitness balls" in the past, I selected this item on reviews. I was disappointed.
This company delivered the product as promised. No issues here.
After inflation and initial use, I was satisfied with the product for the first few hours. Then I noticed that the ball began to lose pressure. I was not successful in trying to find one leak. My product has multiple leaks from the vulcanized seam. I only found them after submersing the surface area in soapy water.
As I am overseas now, with the product, a return is more effort than worth.
Had the product worked (held air pressure), I would have been satisfied.
i do not know if my defect was a one-time issue or a common problem. All I can offer is caution in your purchase.
I purchased this largest of the fitness balls (75cm) eventhough I am 5'9". I am a physical therapist and am very familiar with these so called "Swiss therapy balls" as they are used extensively in my profession. I wanted the largest ball for personal preference, although the 65 cm ball is the recommended size for my height. If you want the ball for doing wall squats (ball against the wall and behind your back) or for lying over on your back to stretch your back into good extension without feeling like your head (or hair) is trailing on the floor, then you may want to size up as well. There are many other exercises that are better accomplished on a ball that is a bit larger as well. Also, it has been my experience with many of these balls that it can be difficult to get them blown up to the full stated cm circumference. The instructions in the packaging tell you to NOT use a automatic tire pump, and to use ONLY the hand pump and inflator tube/pin provided. It is a challenge to get the air into the ball this way (with the hand pump) after it is approx. 80% of its stated size, and I don't mean just this brand ......... all of them are that way. Also, if you know you are not going to blow it up to its full size it will have a bit softer feel which is another attribute I was looking for. When they are blown up to their full stated size the "anti-burst" balls can be very firm and some find that uncomfortable. The TKO ball is a nice, sturdy ball. The material is very substantial and a bit firmer than some therapy balls especially if it is fully blown up to it's stated cm size.
I actually purchased two of the fitness balls for my mini horse to play with in the pasture. He plays with it all the time, kicking it around like a soccer ball. Sometimes he actually picks it up in his mouth, and it has lived up to it's claim of anitburst. So far it has survived month's of rough play with only the occassional replacement of a plug. I was able to order extras from the manufacturer and they were very easy to deal with. It takes a licking and keeps on.......... - Exercise - Tko - Stability Ball - Fitness Ball'
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