This shredder is simply amazing! Although it is only rated at a modest 7 sheets, which it will digest quite easily, it is still an impressive machine. I was particularly interested in it because of the MicroShred feature. Most standard cross-cut shredders cut pieces a little too large for my preference. This thing reduces paper to tiny particles - and I do mean tiny! They are about 1/6 the size of a typical cross-cut shredder! I've never seen anything quite like it - they look like small gravel in the basket. Putting 7 sheets of 20-lb paper thru it was no effort at all for this machine. It's also extremely quiet -- it hums rather than growls.
The CD and credit card shredder is a separate, strip-cut slot which can also devour thick pieces of unopened junk mail without missing a beat. The CD shreds drop into a small tray which sits on top of the paper basket. If you need high sheet capacity, consider its big brother the MS-460Cs, which cuts 10 sheets but carries a much higher price tag. But for a typical home or small office, this machine has plenty of capacity. Fellowes Powershred MS-450Cs Safe Sense 7-sheet Confetti Cut Shredder
If it shredded any finer I'd call it powder. I never expected such a high degree of security from a home shredder. Fellowes calls the MS-450Cs output "confetti"; I think it's more like sawdust! Like me, if you're sick of screening each page to tear the corner with the staple off before you feed it in, then this is the shredder for you. The MS-450Cs puts a smile on my face each time it quietly - very quietly - munches on small staples. A small price to pay for personal peace-of-mind.
It's called a Confetti Cut shredder but it's more like a micro cut. Really fine pieces, almost to a dust. My only objection is that some of the important parts are made of flimsy plastic. I had to send the first one back because of broken parts. Other than that this is an excellent shredder. I would recommend but be careful sliding the trash can back after cleaning.
It's a great shredder if all you have is a few pieces of paper to shred.
But if you have lot's of items to shred this puppy won't get the job done. The machine will only shred for 5 minutes before it heats up and stops working. They don't tell you until you read the manual that it won't run longer than 5 min. It does do a great job of pulvorising documents and is really quiet, but if you need to shred a lot of documents you'll be shredding for quite some time. Better off getting one of those shredders that cuts you documents in bigger stips.
But I have to say it is cool to see it shred paper into bits LOL
My recomendation is to try one out at a store before you make your decision.
My beloved 450cs has finally given up the ghost, a little over two years from the time I bought it (of course it exceeded the excess warranty I purchased from Staples). It appears to be so well jammed up that the mechanism does not move when paper is inserted into it, though the detector still detects paper so that the engine activates. I have used it in a semi-commercial way, for large scale shredding of a lot of stuff in the basement. Often these days, after a half hour or so, the engine overheats and the machine needs to rest. Unlike some, it has a red indicator light that indicates that it is overheated, and if I let it rest for 5-10 minutes or so, I can resume. I am not happy to have to put this to rest, as I wanted more years out of it. Still, I am considering buying another, as it is the best shredder I have ever owned, except for my Fellowes strip cut shredder that I use in my office. And which, of course, they don't make anymore.
I felt like I was overpaying for this when I bought it (not here, for $200), but it even feels like a value at that price. My only complaint about the machine is that it does not live up to its advertised billing of a 7-sheet capacity. I think I can get seven sheets shredded if they are inserted exactly right, but it often balks. Still, paper tends NOT to jam, the opposite of every shredder I have ever used. The most it would take would be a gentle tug with some pliers and even the overload went right through. Considering I have spent literally hours unplugging some low grade models (the Office Depot Ativa comes to mind) this was really unbelievable. And all of the things that others are saying are true. It is SO QUIET!! I have never used a shredder while my daughter is going to sleep without disturbing her! And the microshredding is very easy to bag for recycling. The childproofing (and adult-proofing) apprears to work really well -- the maching does not work if a finger gets to close to it.
I am favorably impressed and expect this unit to last. It seems well built and fundamentally better than any shredder I've ever used, even at the higher price. I am probably going to buy another one for my office. - Cross Cut Shredder - Paper Shredder - Confetti Shredder - Fellowes Shredder'
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