Our 4 year old got this in the mail yesterday and has been playing with it for 2 days straight. It's great at keeping him entertained, giving lots of opportunities for different types of play and challenges him to improve his fine motor coordination & strength. I wanted to give a complete list of what exactly is included in this set, as, had we known earlier all that it contained we would have bought it months ago.
R2D2 storage caddy with 6 Star Wars stamps under head (jedi fighter (space ship/plane), jedi insignia, clone trooper helmet, General Grievous & 2 we couldn't identify), 3 half molds on feet (Ahsoka, C3PO & Obi-Wan), side jets on R2D2 that you can put red Play-doh through to make it look like he's flying, removable head is also a press to create shapes (Play-doh worms) that are not Star Wars related but makes it look like R2D2 has hair
Anakin 3D mold
Push out light saber mold (the mold is the light saber's handle)
General Play-doh tools that store inside R2D2:
plastic rolling cutter (like a pizza knife)
plastic knife
plastic scissors
3 2-oz cans of Play-doh Play-doh Star Wars Playset
My son recently got this as a present from one of his schoolmates and from a parent's perspective, this is the best gift ever! The canister has a lot of nook and cranny, compartments, press molds and lots of fun ways to shoot, push and pull play doh. This thing is just well designed it's so easy to pull out and clean off play doh, it just slides right off! My son doesn't write yet, but his teacher told us that play doh will be good for that to excercise his pointer finger and thumb....so overall, this is such a great toy especially my son is a big Star Wars fan too! I highly recommend this as a toddler gift!
This is by far the best play-doh activity set we own. There are a ton of things to do with it. Not only does it come with a variety of different tools. There are a lot of places to extrude play-doh through R2D2 too. There are even stamps on R2D2's feet to stamp out people and around his neck on the inside there are symbolic stamps so you can put Star Wars Clone Wars symbols on your play-doh people.
My 3 year old son's favorites are the mold that lets you make a little 3D Star Wars guy and the light saber (the extruded play-doh makes up the lit part of the light saber). The first time I got this out we played with it for over an hour and kept finding new things to do with all the tools and molds.
As a parent one of my favorite things is that all the little tools and toys fit very easily inside R2D2, making it super easy to clean up and put away without loosing parts. It is all very contained and doesn't take up much space to store.
A great, great play-doh set. I wish they were all this wonderful!
My little boy is obsessed with Star Wars. We have a hard time keeping him on toddler-appropriate items because he loves everything. We get frustrated with the action figures (losing parts, small pieces, etc.) and have tried to convince Galactic Heros (which is a great alternative). But coloring books and stickers have yet to be as satisfying as this! Obviously this is right up his alley and he loves all of the pieces. I was surprised how easy it was to clean considering the other Play-doh sets I have seen in the past. The presses on R2's feet are especially popular as well as the lightsaber creator. The actual packs of Play-doh are much smaller than the regular size, so you may want to supplement with a regular set. The actual R2D2 was smaller than I anticipated, but it really works well, especially for little hands. Plus it makes it easier to store. Overall very happy with this purchase.
My 2 1/2 year old LOVES this! He has played with it nearly everyday since Christmas. After reading the other reviews it looks like we have even more things to discover. His favorites now are the 3D mold and the light saber. What is great about this for me is it stores nicely inside R2D2's body. Quick cleanup and not a lot of little pieces loose everywear!
My 4 yr old loves Star Wars and R2. I ordered this for christmas. He really likes it. The parts all seem to be very sturdy and all the pieces fit inside R2 so it stores great. He plays with it even without the play-doh.
A nice feature of this set is the tools fit inside R2D2. My son like to play with
R2 with the playdoh and also without the playdoh so it gets a lot of use. He's a huge star wars fan so
This was a nice addition. - Pre-kindergarte - Star Wars - Clone Wars - Toys'
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