What exactly is a fiber optic cable? It transports sound using a digital signal. In fiber optics, light is used to transport this digital data. The digital signal is made up of 1 and 0. 1 being light, 0 being no light.
I recommend using the Monster Standard Cables and always will. I actually did try different cables unlike most people who talk about the cables all being the same.
So how should I decide between buying a "high end" fiber optic cable and an ok one. Well, the fact that it is triple the cost of this cable kind of gets me. I purchased a top of the line, Monster Cable THX Ultra 1000, that was really expensive. The Ultra 1000 is more durable, and uses higher quality materials that transport the light more efficently. Yea it did sound slightly better. But if you plan on using it for a CD player or a cheaper surround sound system, you won't need the really expensive stuff. This does perfectly well. But even for me, I ended up returing the Ultra 1000. Why you ask? The quality didn't meet the price. Its not worth it unless you plan on building a top of the line home theater that you plan to use every day. For most people, this cable will be more than enough of an improvement that they'll notice the difference and be happy enough.
You should keep in mind that when you use surround sound, that in order to actually achieve the full 5.1 surround sound that you should use digital fiber optic cables for all the sound inputs that you can use it for. (CD players and video cassettes don't have 5.1, most only have 2.0/1.0 respectively)
Overall, I gave this Monster Standard cable a 5 because there is no 4.90.
Notes for new users of these cables:
- Make sure your DVD player or Cable/Satallite reciever has the fiber optic output, as a lot of the cheaper ones don't.
- Pull off the plastic protective coverings on each end of the fiber optic cables. These are there to protect the cable during transit/storage.
- Be careful not to bend the cables around too much or strtch them to meet the distance you want them to reach. Buy a longer one if you need to.
- If the black coating on the cable gets striped a bit, consider buying a new cable, as the damage allows light to seep out, thus, distoring the quiality.
© 2005 - David Chen - All Right's Reserved Monster THXI100FO8 THX Certified Toslink Fiber Optic Audio Cable (8 feet)
The first reviewer is somewhat correct. Don't spend too much on digital interconnect cables....the digital format is used so quality will not depend on the transfer medium, that's the whole purpose of digital.
I'm an electrical engineer, PCM audio for all intents and purposes is a pretty slow bitstream, you could use pretty cheap cable and not notice a difference. Just my humble opinion.
Ultimatly where it makes a difference is in the connector and the quality of the fiber. Since the signal doesn't have to travel a great distance, the quality of the fiber doesn't really matter all that much unless it's so bad that it actually attenuates the signal. But that's really bad! Second, the connector is the most important part of the cable. Since that is where the end of the fiber is and where the lite must leave the fiber, it has to be either clieved very well or highly polished so the signal is not refracted.All of this attention to detail adds to production so ultimatley, you get what you pay for. Paying $20.00 for a Monster cable is very reasonable. If you were to buy a professional cable you would pay close to $100.00, you don't see those cables on amazon.
I will let you know that you are wasting your money on this. I bought a similar cable from eBay for my Pioneer sound system for $8. I have to say that I could not see a single difference in performance. I really regret paying over a $30 for a cable. I just realized that its digital and not analog and the whole point of digital is to be uniform and consitant in the data being transmited so the medium doesnt count like old component cables, Save your money and just look on eBay or other cheaper types.
I needed extra Optical cables and could not have beating this one for the price i paid for this one. So much better then going to a Best Buy store and paying like triple or quadruple the price. Just a great Audio Cable if you need Great sound for your Home surround sound.
Must buy.
I had a problem with what I though was a decent fiberoptic cable I got from bestbuy. the problem was every time the screen goes white a hear an annoying noise in my speakers. I don't have this problem with this cable. and the sound quality is great. I got what I paid for
This cable is amazing i have the Logitech z-5500 and i bought that cable and the sound quality improved a lot i feel the sound harder and with more fidelity and is pretty but don't think is just another expensive cable. really its amazing! - Fiber Optic Cables - Photography - Cab'
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