After I began snoring very strong when I turned 40, my wife was "on the edge" for many years since she didn't have a good sleep for all that time.
I tried everything: very expensive nasal spay, nose strips, etc. Something worked a little, something didn't work at all.
FINALLY, my friend suggested to try this kind of anti-snoring. And it worked on the very first day!!!
My wife have normal sleep now, and I am happy!
Please understand, there are different causes for people snoring.
I found mine!
You just need to find out yours. Good luck!
I purchased this item with high hopes. I was soundly disappointed. Instructions are less than sparse and the item is very ineffective and uncomfortable.
I have a large mouth. Even with my large mouth, the mouthpiece is uncomfortably large. Makes it difficult to swallow while trying to get to sleep. Almost a choking sensation.
I tried to use it for three nights without any success. Was told I was still snoring the one night I did get to sleep with it in.
I bought this product because it was the least expensive and I thought that all of these must pretty much be the same. Apparently, this is not the case. The plastic of this mouth piece never got really soft in the hot water (just off a boil) used to mold it to your mouth, even when I left it in twice as long as instructed. This resulted in an okay but not great fit. Also, the mouth piece is a bit harder in your mouth than some of the others I have used. It is not bad for the price, but there IS a difference and it is just not as good as the more expensive ones. Maybe just a case of "you get what you pay for."
I ordered three mouth pieces at three different prices to test them and find the best one. I received one envelope with three identical items at three different prices. So why the difference? The descriptions led me to think that they were each different in how they fit and worked. Why can't I get a refund for the higher priced items? Next time I will order the cheapest one. They do work and I have reduced my snoring significantly
I reviewed another one of these mandibular advancement devices elsewhere. This was the second one I bought, and while it cost half as much as the first one, it was identical. And I see THIS one now costs half as much as when I ordered mine, a couple of days ago. So do a little comparison shopping and save yourself some money. Look at the pictures and buy the cheapest one for starters. If it has a blue case and a big popsicle stick poking out of it, it's probably the same thing.
Anyway, I've got mild obstructive sleep apnea, and instead of the much reviled CPAP machine (which I tried some years back and hated), my sleep doctor had a custom-fit mandibular advancement device made for me. The thing--a mouthpiece--looks like a retainer on steroids, with hinges that allow me to talk, yawn and move my lower jaw from side to side. But the main thing is IT WORKS. When I use it, I don't snore, I don't wake up gasping, and according to the tests, I stay oxygenated all night.
Or I did, until it broke about two weeks ago.
A piece came loose, so it's back at the lab, being repaired. But I'd gotten a good night's sleep every night for so long, I wasn't willing to go back to the snorting, snoring and gasping. So I ordered one of these.
The good news is, this one works too, although not as well as the custom-made one. (And that shouldn't be a surprise.) The main thing you need to know is that you MUST follow the fitting directions and get a good fit--snug on your teeth, especially the lower jaw--if you want positive results.
Sounds simple enough, but easier said than done. To fit it, you boil water, take it off the heat for 20 seconds, put the mouthpiece in the water for 18 seconds, then put it into your mouth and bite down. MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE THE STICK IN. If you don't, you seal up a hole in front that lets air in and out and that makes a HUGE difference in how much drooling you'll have to deal with later.
Try to suck out as much air as you can from between the mouthpiece and your teeth, and use your fingers on the outside to press it as tightly as possible against your teeth (especially the lower ones), and your tongue on the inside to do the same.
Then into the cold water.
If you did it right, the mouthpiece will be snug enough to kind of snap off and on your teeth. If it isn't snug, fit it again. I've been able to put mine back into the water as many as three times and still have it work okay.
That said, the first one I bought fits better than the second one, despite having my earlier experience to draw on. Go figure. The point is, this WILL work as described if you fit it right. If not, your mouth will pop open in the middle of the night, your jaw will recede, and you'll be snoring and gasping again.
This has been a good interim solution for me, but it's also made me appreciate how well the custom-fit one works. I'm REALLY looking forward to getting it back.
But if you have obstructive sleep apnea or just snore a lot, this is definitely worth a try. If it works for you,however, I HIGHLY recommend talking to your doctor (or dentist) about getting one of the custom-fit variety. Insurance covered mine and using it, I haven't slept as well or had this much energy in years. - Mouth Guard - Apnea - Stop Snoring - Snore'
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