I agree with most other reviewers of this product. These bags are vastly *inferior* to the bags which ship with the shredder. I also contacted Fellowes, and they said that the bags which ship with the unit are unavailable for purchase. These inferior bags are the only bags they sell. This is unfortunate, because the shredder is first quality, and the are blemishing the Fellowes brand by selling inferior bags.
I should have read the reviews before I purchased these bags, as I would have looked elsewhere. I was told by Fellowes that the # 36053 (not sold by Amazon) bags are slightly thicker and larger but still not nearly as good as the bags which ship with the unit.
Overall I am disappointed in the response of Fellowes. In this difficult economy one would hope they would be interested in both (a) earning more money and (b) responding to customer complaints by selling a better product. Fellowes Powershred Waste Bags for Personal Shredders - 100 Bags
They fit the shredder, and it's really great to not have to empty the basket by turning it upside down, then pulling off all the little bits of cofetti that stuck.
It would be nice if the bags fit more snugly -- the top kind of hangs out of the basket, and doesn't look all that neat -- but they are cheap plastic bags, after all.
There's absolutely no reason to pay $27 for 100 bags, when you can just use the cheap clear plastic office wastebasket liners (7 to 10 gallon) that sell for $18 for *500* at Costco, Sam's Club, etc. I just finished a major shredding job with my Fellowes DMC12, and used many of those.
These bags are extremely thin and rip just trying to open the bag. Not even good enough for a trash can, no less a shredder basket. I switched back to just normal trash bags after just using 2 bags because they only ripped opened and then I had to use another bag anyway.
These bags neither fit nor hold up well...in fact, they are pricey and useless. Just buy garbage bags and forgo the "Fellows" price gouging.Fellowes Powershred Waste Bags for Personal Shredders - 100 Bags In fact, although the Fellowes shredder is excellent, if all I knew about Fellowes was based upon their name upon these flimsy and overpriced plastic bags, I'd not purchase anything from them! - Fellowes - Shredder - Paper Shredder - Cross Cut Shredder'
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