I own a Canon 20D and this wrist gives you the possibility to carry the camera on a secure way plus adding major mobility than the standard neck strap, you can take the camera far away from your body much more than wearing the neck strap. i.e.: Shooting down on a building window is really difficult with the neck strap on.
Suitable for all SLR cameras and some Point N Shot, note that the strap end is wider than several ones included on the Point N shot cameras. Canon WS20 Wrist Strap for all Canon Camcorders
I'm using the Canon WS20 wrist strap on my Canon PowerShot S5 IS. I like the good and secure feeling it provides, especially also when I've the Canon Speedlite 430EX attached to the cam. Very handy, very comfortable, 100 % recommended!
I bought this hand strap not for a camcorder but for a Canon S3 IS digi-cam. The strap fit snugly through the eyelet that is intended for the camera's neck strap. The strap holds the camera securely and is long enough to provide plenty of mobility for access the camera controls. The only negative is that I wish the entire strap was made of the same material. The portion that threads through the eyelet is woven nylon but the hand portion appears to be a cotton blended fabric. I suppose the cotton breathes better but it has a more faded and worn look to it than the nylon portion.
I got this for a Canon G-10 and it fits perfectly through the strap mount on the side of the camera (they enlarged it from the G-9). It is nice to have a solid and substantial strap like this. I'm glad I got it and didn't use the flimsy wrist strap I had from an older point-and-shoot camera. This strap is well made and does its job.
I wanted to replace the neck strap I have never used as a neck strap with a wrist strap. I would actually wrap the neck strap around my arm while using my camera. I was shocked when I couldn't find a Canon wrist strap for my camera. While searching Amazon, I found this camcorder wrist strap. After reading the other reviews of people using it with a DSLR I figured I would give it a shot. It works great!
The area of that strap that loops through the camera's ring is a little thicker and wider than that of the neck strap. I actually think it is thicker and wider by design, one connection point verses two connection points. Even though it is larger, it still fits perfectly in the camera's ring.
The size of the wrist loop is also just right to fit my rather large/wide hand. Also, the length is perfect since I can still grip the camera comfortably while using the strap.
If you too are looking for a wrist strap for your Canon DSLR, give this one a try.
Update 11/25/2010: I recently updated my camera to Canon T1i, wrist strap still works perfectly. After using this strap for over a year, I still love it. My only complaint is ever-so-often I miss my neck strap. I'm considering adding a Canon BG-E5 Battery Grip for Canon XSi Digital SLR Cameras and a Canon 2344A001 E1 Hand Strap for Eos Rebel Series. This setup would allow for the neck strap to remain attached.
I've never liked neck straps for anything, and I always need a wrist strap for my cameras (have slippery hands, as I wash them all day long for my job). Did some research and although there aren't many choices really, am fairly happy with this one - I do feel it's the best of the bunch. Got it for my new G11, and while I was concerned there wasn't a slider to tighten up the fit I don't really think I need it - despite having small hands. The material isn't slippery so it doesn't feel like the strap will slip off easily (but it does make quite a good cat hair catcher), and while I thought at first it would be too long/big it actually is a good size that allows me enough room to maneuver my hand around the camera. Reading some other wrist/hand strap options I was concerned that once your hand was "locked in" to position, it would be difficult to make on the fly changes to settings. I'm glad I chose this one just for this reason.
It's a tight fit to get it into the G11's strap handle, but not a biggie - I didn't need anything extra to poke it through, and once it went through no problem to strap it all in.
Based on a review I read, someone had used the strap on a Canon G10. Was perfect timing, becuase I just bought a G10 for my wife for her birthday. She didn't like the strap that connected on both sides. The WS20 was perfect. Especially since I bought the Canon PSC-85 case for the G10. The 2 together are a good combo.
I bought this strap for a Canon G10 camera. The standard straps are too flimsy and even break - not sure why this strap is not marketed as an accessory for all of the Powershot series cameras. The strap lanyard fits perfectly into the little slot on the G10. The strap is very strong and fits nicely on the wrist. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because it lacks a little cinch mechanism like you'd find on a wrist strap for a Nintendo Wii. Not absolutely necessary, but if it had one, you would be sure the thing would not slip off of the wrist. I probably wouldn't have thought it a benefit had I not seen it on a Wii controller. Definitely worth the price for what you get. I opted not to get a strap for my last camera - it wound up in the bottom of a stream when I tried to take pictures of fish from a small bridge.... - Hand Strap - Canon G11 - Wrist Strap - Camera Wrist Strap'
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