I started having problems with adult onset acne at about age 25 - am now 40. Have tried everything - oral antibiotics, topical antibiotics, retin-a, etc. etc. Despite trying numerous dermatologists, I never got what I considered good results - just a three minute visit and a couple of scripts. Decided to try this - at the price, nothing to lose. Man am I pleased. For the first time, acne is resolved (I have used the peel once a week for about six weeks). My scarring is improved and my skin tone is becoming much more even. Even improving my melasma. I would highly recommend this product. Word of caution. Acne will worsen after the first treatment - wait it out - it will improve Dramatically. Salicylic Acid 20% Gel Peel, 30ml (Professional)
I started getting acne young, when i was about 10 and i didnt know how to look after my skin then. No cleansing, toning or even moisturizing because i thought that would give me more spots, what a fool i was.
The problem with black skin is that it hyperpigments easy and by the time i was 21 i couldnt bare to look at myself in the mirror, i had so many acne scars i couldnt stand it. Dermatologists were no help, the pills and creams are useless if you dont have a good skin care regimen which is something the doctors dont usually tell you.
In 2001 called around and was told by everyone on Harley Street that dermabrasion and skin peels were not for black skin tones so i paid £1800
for lazer treatment. It worked to some extent, the spots went and my skin looked clearer but if i had known about this product i wouldnt have bothered.
The truth is that these skin acids can and are used safely on ebony skin tones and have been for years. I am a caramel complexion (like Tyra Banks), my first peel ever was the Skin laboratoty 70% lactic acid peel and i experienced no problems at all, just be sure to follow the instructions. My second peel was the salicylic 20% peel by Skin Laboratory and my skin looks great. My skin is visibly clearer, lighter due to the fact that the hyperpigmentation is fading, i just look great and i'm so happy. And for the price, its a bargain compared to £200 per month on microdermabrasion or £1800+ for a course of lazer treatments. I would highly recommend both the product and the company. I honestly cant imagine my life without these peels now, i'm totally smitten.
Product works great, noticeable immediate improvement, though not drastic. I have been repeating it and have not had harsh results, just the expected peeling. I have large pores on my nose, chin and between eyebrows. After the peel I notice a change in pore depth and size. I am very impressed.
At first i was skeptical of this acid peel, but changed my mind soon after.
I took before photos to see the change the peel would have on my face, and its only been about 4 weeks, but i will take pics soon of the after results after 6 weeks.
Im 20, male, white, with slightly oily skin, and acne that sometimes turns horrible on me and makes cysts only on cheeks though. One cyst next to my eye and eyebrow left a bad scar.
This stuff does tingle a bit, but very bearable. Used first for 2 mins, and had no effect, upped it to 4, same result. Used the full 8 mins the next day, started to see improvements. I modified the instructions a bit because my skin is used to exfoliations by 10% benzoil peroxide which only made pimples smaller and face a bit dry.
I used every other day for the full 8 mins every time. But i suggest follow their instructions first before adjusting it. No down time here, and no redness like some people mentioned, and i dont apply moisturizer. The skin feels same before and after application, but results can been seen a few hours after the application as well as increased results over 24-48 hours. The company suggests using a moisturizer, so dont take my word for it that you may not need it, so start with that. I started first using this product with a moisturizer but i think it clogged my pores and cause mild acne.
The results i got were:
-Pores got smaller noticeably on the nose, but not as much on the cheeks.
-Face became much more smoother, the scars got blended in(not the major ones thought)
-Face is less oily after application as well as for the next 24 hours or so. No moisturizer was needed for me, as the amount of oil on my skin after use of the peel stayed at a perfect level.
-Face got lighter (can be seen in my pictures), and red spots from old acne lightened up slightly.
-Acne breakout decreased alot. I no longer get acne on my cheeks and forehead. My problem is the nose and chin, mainly the bottom portion of the nose.
Final Comment: I would recommend this product to first time chem peel users. My sister is trying it right now. My skin is not sensitive, so i will be looking for a stronger solution, maybe 30% salicylic, or 35% glycolic. May buy this (in the 100 mL bottle) after i get rid of my red spots to maintain an acne free face.
Ill keep you guys updated with what happens in the next 2 months or whatever because its only been 1 month, and full results may take much longer. btw, i still have half the bottle left after 1 month use.
Update (aug 16, 2009): I ran out of the stuff and have ordered another bottle, but i have not been getting acne after i stopped, so i think it played a huge role in it. Much less red spots compared to 3 months ago. Scars did not really change much. Skin also feels much more smooth without any pimples appearing all the time.'
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