Need a brad nailer for your workshop? Look no further, this little tool is great. The compressor is small, lightwieght and (relatively)quiet. The nailer is also light but neverthless feels substantial and well built. And the gun uses so little air the compressor hardly ever needs to run. I use it for woodworking and projects around the home. Enough power for hard woods, and it does not mar the finish. I considered spending more for a DeWalt or Porter-Cable set up, but for my needs I'm glad I bought this package. It's easy to carry the entire set in one hand (very convenient). I'll never need to go beyond the 2 1/2 inch max. capacity. So ask yourself what you really need. If your not doing framing, work alone, and want a quality finished product, buy this set. The only drawbacks are (i) the instruction manual with little actual instruction and (ii) the 3 week delivery time. Hopefully supplies will increase over time. Senco PC0947/FP18KIT 18-Gauge Brad Nailer Compressor Combo Kit
My wife purchased this combo package for me for my birthday this year (well, more like I bought it and thanked her for it). I have to say, I am impressed. THE BRAD NAILER:The gun is lightweight and small enough to get into tight spots, yet it appears to be very well built. The protective no-mar pad does not scratch prefinished moulding, and the side load magazine is convenient and easy to use. I shot about 200 2" brads while installing new 1/2" baseboards and 3/4" birch door trim in my bedroom. Every brad was countersunk to perfect depth, and I did not get a single jam. I ended up with very professional results and finished in 1/2 the time it would have taken me with the old hammer and finish nails.THE COMPRESSOR:The PC1010 will change the industry. For homeowners, hobby woodworkers, and customer service professionals in the cabinetry industry this is the perfect compressor. There is no need to lug around a 4 or 6 gallon compressor for a little brad nailer. You can easily carry the nailer, hose, and bread box sized compressor in one hand. From startup, this quiet, lightweight little workhorse takes about 2 minutes to pump up to 110 psi. I consistently got 10 shots before kick in, then another 40 seconds or so to recover. I nailed right through the recovery time, and never had to wait for the compressor to before driving any brads.SHORTFALLS:It is very difficult for me to find anything that I don't like about this one. However, rumor has it that Senco guns work best with Senco brads, and the local home improvement stores sell mostly PC and Bostich... so I will need to find another source. I would not recommend the PC1010 for anyone who wants to drive anything larger than 18ga brads, or run multiple air tools from a single compressor. Also - the compressor is so new that Senco has very limited literature on it, but I would be willing to bet they will get this taken care of soon.CUSTOMER SERVICE:Some of the best customer service I have had the pleasure to work with. If you purchased from an authorized dealer, and you have any problems with your equipment, I recommend calling Senco directly.
I agree with the other reviewers who have given praise to this product. I felt the same way till mine broke after less than a months use.Of course it was the compressor which broke, the part with the 90 day warranty. I did not catch that when I bought this.Senco is a good company, but I think this little compressor is not quite up to the quality of their other products.In my case it was the 1/4" copper tubing which brings the air to the tank that failed. It split where the tubing had been bent.I have fixed it with some liquid steel, since I'm on a job with it, I'm hoping the repair lasts till I have time to replace to tubing.I have used this to build two large bookcase and cabinet projects so far, and in doing so I have learned the compressors limitations. It does not do wellshooting two inch nails into MDF. It does not have the power to fully sink the nail into the material. I bought this combo for the light weightof the compressor, so I guess there must be some compromises. This won't take the place of more powerful compressors,but it is great for carrying to and from a job. I just hope I do not have problems with it in the future. I'm not sure I wouldrecommend this product, the 90 day warranty on the compressor is a big negative. especially since it seems to have some problems.
I got this package for very light duty use - woodworking shop projects and qtr-round molding on flooring. The nailer is a quality tool that sells for $120 everywhere so that makes the compressor only $75. I had a $15 coupon so the compressor was only $60 for me.The compressor is so light that it is no problem carrying it. The tank pressure is 125 lbs and I set the tank outlet pressure to 90 lbs. It shoots about 10 brads before it cycles but you can keep shooting as it runs. I used 5/8" brads on molding on a shop project and 2" brads on floor qtr-round without a single problem. This sure saves time and doesn't mar the wood. It is pretty quiet and also looks good. Getting to small jobs and using this little tool is a pleasure. I will get an air blower tip for it; so far I'm satisfied.
I upgraded to this from a cheap little electric brad nailer that could not sink a 1" brad. This tool is light and has plenty of power. The compressor is small & quiet and has absolutely no problem keeping up with the nailer. I own an old 5 horse 220 v compressor but wanted something to use inside the house without running hundreds of feet of hose from the garage. This will fill my needs perfectly. P.S. I shop online alot and would like to say that Amazon.com has the best customer service of any company I have dealt with.
I own several portable compressors, but hate to lug them around. So, I bought this one for installations of wood mantels and little odd and ends work (like attaching a piece of trim after the rest of the job is already done). The little compressor is lightweight and perfect for small jobs like these. On bigger jobs I still use one of my heavy duty compressors. So, that may be the problem some of the other reviewers are having. It's just not built for heavy duty work.
The gun on the other had was a disappointment. I already had a Senco XP 25 and prefer it. Still, it's a pretty good price for both pieces, so, no real complaints here. I've just set the newer one aside, for now.
Regarding the cheap 1/4 inch hose... pleeeease. Anyone with half a brain knows it's a cheap piece of krap, but will work fine for the occasional hobbiest. If you want a good hose, buy one. - Nailer - Senco - Millassembly Work Tools - Light Weight Compressor'
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