I bought one, it worked for a few weeks, but since the parts are all plastic it broke. I thought, it was nice so I purchased another one...guess what, it worked for a couple weeks and broke too. Dont do what I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Horrible product. I bought this product because it was supposed to be effective in removing hair, and safe on sensitive areas. Needless to say, it did none of that. Let me review what I did:
1) Try product with attachment head: "wow, this is painless. I love this product. Oh wait...it hasn't removed a single hair."
2) Try product without attachment head: "Ouch! This thing really hurts! Oh wait...it's only removing 1 in 20 hairs"
3) Fling product at wall and watch it shatter and smile, because you've realized that you got what you paid for when you bought a product 'as seen on TV' for $10.
Avoid this product at all costs!
I used this both on my face and all over my bikini area (and I do mean ALL over, including the inner folds, if you catch my drift) and it did a fantastic job getting rid of the hair, left me feeling near-silky smooth, and no rash of bumps, which I always get with depilatories or a traditional razor. Plus, you can't use those last two methods around your "inner folds." Like a previous reviewer, I'll be buying another to keep in my bag. I don't know that I'd use it around my eyebrows, though. I think I prefer the control that plucking gives in that area.
This product works quite well if you use it right. Many people are having a problem getting replacement blades. They only have to call toll free 1-888-769-7676, and order 3 replacement blades for $2.99. I was told there are no shipping charges.
Bought this for myself & 12 yr old daughter for facial hairs. We did use depilatory cream first but chin hair did grow back w/n two days. Same for upper lip resulting in a very, very stubble of growth. The Lumina worked just as advertised. It did not hurt at all and the skin was extremely smooth, no stubble. You'll probably have to do it fairly often but this is simple and fast.
I bought the Finishing Touch Lumina to replace my original Finishing Touch trimmer that finally broke. That one lasted a year, and at $9.99 (from the drugstore) wasn't a bad deal. Seeing as this one was an "upgraded version" with the light and still $9.99 I thought "Why not? It should last the same amount of time." For the price, a year is pretty good.
I was very disappointed however to have it break after only a month of light use. (I only use it on my eyebrows and light facial hair a few times a month.) It must be something with the motor as even after I replaced the batteries it still did not work. Perhaps I just got a faulty one, though I'm seeing other reviewers saying the same thing.
I'd go back to the original or get a better quality item.
2010 Update- Never having bought a replacement item and sick of trimming my eyebrows by scissors, I gave my Finishing Touch Pro another shot (i'm a pack rat) to see if it would work. Surprisingly, it did, though the "new" batteries are already starting to go after about a week. Perhaps the motor just needed a rest, or I got bad batteries.Either way, I would recommend buying a back up trimmer in case this one stops working on you. Even if it's another Finishing Touch Pro (they're cheap enough.)
I want to buy a couple more of these - while it goes through the triple AAA batteries it still works better than any other I have bought. I am a facial hair removal freak! and this really works - it isn't like waxing and I have gotten rashes from facial wax that doesn't work. Those wirey black ones - you'll still have to use the tweezers - but I have not found a product - even wax that gets that! I get more hair with this than wax!
This little trimmer is awesome. I love mine and have never had any problems with it. For quick, detailed work in a small area, you can't beat it. The pivoting head is great for awkward angles, and you can use it with or without the light. It comes with a removable clear plastic cap, which protects it while you're traveling. The kit also includes:
- A "length guard" trimmer attachment that slips right over the clipper head and is great for eyebrows and other areas where you just want to trim (but not obliterate) the hair.
- A small brush you can use to clean out the clipper head and the length guard, which you'll need to do after each use.
- One AAA battery, which will likely last you several weeks or months (YMMV, of course, but my first battery hasn't died yet).
I have used this trimmer on my face (lip and eyebrows), arms, and other areas, both with and without the length guard, and had no problems or irritation whatsoever. It really does trim all the hair, not just one hair in 20; you can put it right up against your skin (but not press it in) to get a really close cut. It's SO much better than shaving and doesn't give me razorburn or painful bumps. I can see how other reviewers might say that it pulls, but that only happens if you're moving the trimmer really quickly over your skin and it "grabs" a hair for a nanosecond before cutting it. You don't have to go at a snail's pace, but if you're just careful and relaxed with it, you won't have any pulling.
I use the trimmer for 10-15 minutes straight each time with no problems. It has never clogged, and neither the motor nor the clipper head has ever stopped working. The key is to use the little brush it comes with to clean off the device after each use. You should also open the clipper head and remove any hairs that may be stuck inside (the directions tell you how to do this), as clogging is likely why many people's units become "defective." The light on mine works great and has never gone out.
There are a few minor downsides to the device. First, it gets absolutely covered in hair while you're trimming, so occasionally you need to shut it off for a few seconds and brush off the clipper head. Second, the trimmer does leave the tiniest bit of stubble; unlike shaving, which can cut the hair just below the tip of the follicle (sometimes creating bumps and razorburn), this trimmer can only cut the hair already *outside* the follicle. So you'll never get that perfectly smooth-shaven feel. Third, it doesn't trim a lot of hair at once; the actual clippers are only about an inch long, so it's best suited for small areas of detail. Fourth, the motor makes a loud buzzing noise, similar to a cheap vibrator. All those downsides are minor; but combined, they take one star off the overall rating, in my opinion.
This trimmer is small, lightweight, and easy to travel with. I got mine at a local drugstore and am very pleased with it. I would recommend it to anyone looking for an inexpensive yet effective shaving alternative for sensitive areas. - Finishing Touch - Grooming - Facial - Hair Trimmer'
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