The Sennheiser HZR headphone balance adjustment is what you need if you're bothered by problems with an unbalanced (left-right) audio source and you're listening with a device that doesn't incorporate a balance control (I'm surprised at how common a problem this is).
The Sennheiser unit isn't cheap (about thirty dollars) but it's well built and it does the job.
The unit is purely passive and it functions by virtue of being composed of two ('left' and 'right') 'slide' type potentiometers in the signal path. When at 'maximum' the controls appear as resistances across the left and right audio paths but at too high a resistance to be any kind of a problem.
As the 'sliders' are brought down (to reduce the volume of either the left or right channels) the output (towards the headphones) is brought nearer the ground side of the audio channels in a Voltage-divider type configuration.
As long as you've got more than enough volume to drive your headphones then this Sennheiser unit will give you essentially infinite adjustment range over the relative volumes of the left and right channels.
I've found the device sufficiently convenient such that I've recently purchased a second unit (because the first one is being employed in a relatively long-term application). Sennheiser HZR-62 Stereo Volume Control
Love this! Great unit for its intended purpose, which is to give ANY set of regular wired earbuds or headphones the ability to control the volume "balance" between the left and right ears. Excellent for anyone who may have some hearing loss in one ear, or varied levels of loss in both ears. You can customize the exact volume level for each ear to adjust the brain's perception of incoming audio in each ear.
However, I would much prefer that the wire/headphone jack part that is permanently tethered to the "balance" main unit was DETACHABLE. The wire is WAY too long, and needlessly clunky and in the way when trying to actually use the unit. Wish there were a short separate wire supplied to use for audio input instead. If this were the case my rating would have been five stars.
I had this problem where I like to listen to the radio while I fall asleep, and my wife wants absolute silence while she's falling asleep.
What to do? I bought a set of pillow speakers, but I found it really annoying to have to get up and get to the radio to adjust volume and balance (so that only one of the speakers will work, the one my ear is over). With this control, I can lie down on the pillow after cranking the volume on the radio, then turn the volume down and adjust the volume just right for the pillow speakers without getting up.
Now I can turn on my favorite station, climb in bed, tweak the volume, and go to sleep. Great product and worth every penny!
The Sennheiser Volume Control/Extension cable is an awesome product. I admit that I was hessitant to make this purchse due to the price compared to other volume control/extension cables found here on Amazon. I did some research on Sennheiser, and found nothing but stellar reviews on their products. So, I took the plunge and purchase this item. I am extremely pleased with the product I received. The feel, fit, and finish is first rate. The individual channel volume sliders are smooth in their movement, yet stay where you put them. The cabling is the soft flexible type and is an exact match to the cabling on my Bose Noise Reducing Head Phones. This is an exceptional product that is more than worth the extra $. If you like quality audio accessories, the Sennheiser VC/ext cable will not disappoint!
This is a fairly simple device and does work as advertised. The sound quality and range of volumes to select is fine. My only complaint is that the volume control slide switches should either be a bit firmer or lockable. I suspect that many will use this control the way that I do, with it sitting in your lap. It is too easy to bump the slide controls, which changes the volume, and since the left and right controls have no way to lock together, usually one will get moved out of line with the other, resulting in lopsided volume. This is by no means a big deal, but would be nice if it didn't happen. Otherwise, a good product in every regard.
This is a terrific product for anyone whose hearing is out of balance. I'm hard of hearing and -- even with hearing aids -- often run into a problem because my hearing loss is more pronounced in my right ear. The HZR 62 resolves that. The audio quality is excellent for my needs. The long cord is a bit tough to work with in some situations, but it's outstanding in use with my home theatre. Wish I had found this years ago.
I bought this product so I could watch movies from a distance with my headphones, this has made it possible. Sennheiser was the only real choice, cant beat a trusted brand name. This headphone extension is long, I mean long! The cord does tend to get tangled a tad, but easily untangled. It really is a plus to be able to control the volume level at the listeners end. The volume level sliders are very smooth to operate, no static as they are moved up and down. They are very accurate.
I would recommend the listener plugs this product into a better source than an mp3 player, the long cord merits higher power output. Highly recommend a stereo receiver amp or headphone amp. - Audio - Sennheiser - Headphones - Audiophile'
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