As typical of a textbook format, this book goes into detail of Fraud and actually repeats much of the information. It was interesting to see how Enron and Worldcom have affected the search for and detection of Fraud. For a class, this would make a great textbook, but for general reading, it was a bit difficult to get through the whole book. Accountant's Guide to Fraud Detection and Control
Whether you are a mystery reader or a professional auditor or a CEO/CFO, you will gain from reading this book.
Mr Howard Silverstone shared his experience magnanimously. He guided the reader patiently using easily followed step-by-step approach to carry out fraud investigation.
However, I find (and Mr Howard Silverstone kept repeating in the book) that the facts are over-simplified. I suspected this has been the case to enable non-expert to follow the book.
In essence, this is a book that allows all levels of readers to heighten their awareness on the presence of fraud penetrators and the need to enhance internal controls as a deterrent.
Fraud is ever present, especially now. Authors Howard Silverstone and Howard R. Davia suggest that in recent years fraud has moved from the periphery of the corporate world to the center of it - from small, unprofitable, marginal companies to the biggest blue chips. The headlines about Enron, WorldCom and Global Crossing suggest that the authors are right. They do a commendable job of categorizing and explaining various kinds of fraud and the circumstances that make scams profitable. They offer enough anecdotes to fill a mystery novel writer's idea file for a year. Given that their book is also accessible, intelligible and, at times, even entertaining, we recommend protecting your company by reading it carefully. This may be your opportunity to avoid ever finding yourself at a board meeting trying to figure out "Who done it?" - Fiscal Responsibility - Bookkeeping - Forensics - Embezzlement'
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