I purchased the older Warpia device that streams video only a few months back and have had a very good experience with the product. It works great streaming Hulu or [...] movies from the internet directly to my TV wirelessly.
Now with this part I am listening to the audio through the TV as well. Streams both the audio and video directly through the HMDI port. There are few tricks you can learn in the instruction manual such as streaming video in Extend mode, enabling Aero mode in Vista, etc to get the video as clear as can be.
Highly reccomeded to anyone who wants to watch PC content on their TV and does not want the clutter of cables going from the laptop to the TV. Warpia Wireless USB PC to TV Audio / Video Display Adapter
I bought this Warpia device on April 23rd. Out of the box, I installed the software and hooked it up to the TV and tried it...Nothing, didn't work. Upon reading the instructions (Yes, I am a man) I learned that the device needs a firmware update to work (Easy to do, online instructions). Make sure the transmitter and receiver are within about 1-2 feet of each other as I didn't do this and after the first attempt to do the firmware update, It failed. After making sure they were close to each other, the firmware update took. I did have a little trouble getting the resolution set properly but this was kind of human error on my part. I did call tech support for help on this and actually talked to an English speaking American, nice for a change. Also, some reviews were saying that the audio cable needed to be hooked up for sound, but if you are using HDMI as I am, no audio cable is needed. I have hooked this to my Mitsubishi 57" Rear Projection TV and it works like a charm. I have had absolutely NO problems with it. I waited over 3 months to write this review as I wanted to see if I would have any bugs or disappointments. NONE! I was skeptical after reading some of the reviews and the trouble people had hooking it up. If you do have some trouble, call tech support and you won't be dissapointed. My laptop sits approx. 25 feet from my TV and base receiver and I have no problems at all. You do need a reasonably good direct line of sight for them, but I do ocassionally walk between them and there is no freezing or anything like that. They do both get quite warm to the touch but it seems to be ok. I am giving this 5 stars because it has enabled us to completely drop DirecTV and rely solely on Netflix and Hulu for our TV needs. (We get our locals from our high speed internet provider for free.) I would highly recomend this to anyone who is looking to a web alternative for TV needs.
I've been looking for a product like this for a long time. Finally any easy way to stream internet content to my TV. Easy to install, took only five minutes. I'm a big Netflix internet fan. Now can stream a movie and don't have to sit in front of my laptop to watch it!
Only downfall, I wish it wasn't limited to having the PC in the same room as the TV.
I followed the printed instructions and in three minutes was playing video from my laptop on the 46" Samsung LCD TV.
Very good audio and video quality, no visible glitches. Amazing - just plug small USB dongle and laptop connects instantly to TV. Real value wireless technology.
Before I got this unit, I had a VGA cable running from my laptop, across the living room, to the TV. My wife wasn't happy with that at all. Then I got the Warpia and set it up with the base unit connected to the TV (Toshiba Regza) with a VGA cable and audio cable. It worked great. I used the PC-Input setup on the TV. However, I had to make sure the VGA resolution of the laptop was compatible with the allowable resolution on the TV, otherwise, no signal. Then I bought a cheap HDMI cable and was able to do away with the big VGA cable - and I didn't have to fuss with the laptop video resolution. PLUS, now that I had the audio-out from the base unit free, I routed the audio cable to my stereo. Now I can run anything from Netflix or YouTube to the TV, and my stored mp3s to the stereo.
I'm running a Toshiba laptop about 12 feet from the base unit at the TV. The laptop is running on a wireless network also. I'm competely wireless. Strong signal, no dropouts. My wife is happy too.
Highly recommended.
I have been using the video only version for a while and loved it. But had to use Blue Tooth Speakers to send audio from PC. Just bought and set up the full version with Audio and love it even more. Gotta love the one connection (HDMI) for both the video and audio. And the audio is great. Turn it up just like DVDs and the sound is perfect. I even started listening to my iTunes wirelessly from my PC to stereo system with this when not watching videos, etc. Sweet. Didn't even waste the video only version. Brought it to my office and using it there with projector now. Very cool for presentations, meetings, etc. - Pc To Tv Converter - Wireless Usb - Wireless Video - Pc To Tv'
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