First let me say... I am an agonizer-analyzer. I read all of the reviews out there on Amazon and the web that I can find. I was down to this... the Shark vs. Wagner steamers. Both seemed similar in reviews... I saved $5 bucks by purchasing the Wagner. I received it 1 day earlier then expected. I opened the box and dug in (yes, I am also a person that doesn't necessarily read the instructions... until I can't get something to work that is.) Guess what? EVERYTHING worked without reading the instructions. Note to the wise, it is probably best if you do. I have since gone back to ensure I was operating the machine safely and correctly.
I LOVE IT! When people say in their reviews that they couldn't stop cleaning stuff, it is SOOOOOO true. These are the things I have cleaned so far. 3 kitchen sinks. I couldn't believe how clean they became. They are all stainless and shining like mad. I really do believe they are clean enough to eat out of them (not that I would). I have granite counters with this itty bitty grout between the sinks and the counters. I didn't realize they used white grout... oh my gosh, they look like they were just put in and they are 11 years old.
What else? Yes, I didn't stop there. I went over to the stove. It is stainless steel with gas fixtures and iron grates. Do you know how many cleaners I have purchased for the black metal top that have never made it look like it was really totally clean? MANY, MANY, MANY. This machine did it! And I honestly have to say, I didn't put any real elbow grease in at all. It lifted stains that I thought were permanent. It also removed a burn mark in the stainless steel which had been there for at least 3 years (with a lot of scrubbing that didn't take it away). And, after using the machine, it was really only a matter of wiping a little water residue away.
I really like the length of the handle/hose. I left it on top of one counter and was able to walk around the kitchen without worrying if the yellow beauty was going to fall off the counter or not reach where I wanted to take it. Gotta LOVE IT!
Ok, the above were only a few things that I cleaned in the first 15 minutes of opening the box. I probably could have cleaned more but I figured I would save my joy for another day.
A few other comments... I read a review that it was loud to operate. The machine itself doesn't make any noise. It isn't like a motor is going while you are trying to clean. The only noise that is made is the high-pressure steam coming out of the nozzle. What do these people really expect? Hello.... It was music to my ears because of the clean-up it was doing. I can imagine that you wouldn't want to be locked in a small closed in space for long... but hey, it didn't take that long to see it sparkle.
This truly is a great investment, fun to use with FANTASTIC results.
YAHOO! Wagner 905 1,500-Watt On-Demand Power Steamer and Cleaner
I originally came here to amazon to buy a steam mop after seeing a popular informercial. I dont trust infomercials so i came here to read reviews about the product. I eventually discovered that instead of a steam mop for just my floors I could get a full steam machine that will do the entire house.
I am so glad i did not get just a steam mop, i would have missed out on the true power of steam. Five minutes after opening the box i had assembled the machine and was filling the tank with water. The steamer heated up quickly and i began steaming. I was excited to see what it could do and it didn't dissappointed.
There are 2 things in my house that I absolutely hate cleaning. They are the glass enclosed shower stall and the jacuzzi tub. So I started steaming there.
I have a 3 sided, 8ft high glass enclosed shower stall that i dread cleaning ... (it is dreamy to look at, but a nightmare to clean) Using glass cleaners was a tedious chore, it would take over an hour to clean all that glass and it still left streaks in the glass.
The wagner cleaner did the same job in less than 10 minutes using the squeegee attachment!! And no streaks! My glass stall was perfectly clean and beautiful using just steam. I am excited because now I can clean the glass shower more often instead of avoiding it like i have been doing.
I then went to clean my jacuzzi tub ... this is what prompted me to write this testimonial. I havent used my jacuzzi in 3 years because of how difficult it was to clean the jet nozzles after using the tub. The jet nozzles in the tub became clogged with soap scum and dead skin after only a few uses and the only way to clean inside those small jet nozzles was with a swab stick. Talk about tedious!
I was so exicted to see the wagner steamer power through that grime in seconds and leave the jet nozzles looking brand spanking new!
This alone was worth the purchase of this product for me. I havent used it on my floors yet, but at first glance the floor attachment is a bit small for me. I have a lot of square footage to cover so i wish it was bigger and i wish there were replacement towels. But all in all just based on the way it cleaned the glass shower and the jacuzzi jet nozzles this is a priceles warrior in the battle of the grime!! I dont know how i got along without a power steamer all these years!
Day 2 of cleaning, I discovered my cat has being using my new sofa as a urinal. I decided to try the steamer on the urine stains. I was not sure what to expect but i was amazed and suprised at the result. The urine smell dissapeared without the use of any chemicals. Leaving behind a near perfectly fresh scent. The fabric was black so i cannot comment on whether or not any visual stain was obliterated. But this result with pet urine was exciting enough for me to amend my review.'
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