Sounds great - mount a pullup bar in your standard door frame and make workouts easy. Unfortunately, they didn't tell you that you need to be short in stature to use the thing efficiently. By the time you mount the PP system in a standard door frame, and hang the grab handles on the bar, you're hanging so low that (if you're taller than 5'4) your knees are resting on the ground, making a full arm extension impossible. The screws that mount the brackets into the door frame are dangerously short and install very close to the outside of the door frame. If your door frame was shimmed out during installation (a common practice), the supplied screws might be too short to go into the studs, with potentially disastrous results. For your own safety, you might want to get some screws at least an inch longer from your local hardware store. You also need to consider carefully which door frame you install the brackets to; the PP bar swings out pretty far, and if your door frame opens into a hallway or near anything within four feet, you're going to bump into things while using the PP system. In my house, there are only two doorways that have enough clearance to use the PP effectively, so now I have brackets on the dining room entry - a great conversation starter. If you're using the ab straps, you hang almost as low as you do when using the grab handles, and my ab straps DID NOT come with the metal carabiners shown in the ad pictures, so in order to put the straps on the bar, you have to DISCONNECT the whole bar from the brackets each time, a big PITA! Evidently the carabiners are a bit expensive, so they've deleted them and now show the ab straps in a closeup picture, not showing how they attach to the bar. Unfortunately, they didn't lower the price, though. All-in-all, in my opinion, the Perfect Pullup is an interesting idea, poorly executed Bodyrev Perfect Pullup with Ab Straps - Black
I've recently installed the Perfect Pullup in my doorframe, and here are the observations:
1. I'm 6'2" and when hanging on the grab handles and fully extended, knees DO touch the floor. This only happens, though when you completely relax and allow your shoulders to fully extend. It was easy enough for me to do normal pullups without banging my knees on the floor.
2. Carabiners for ab straps are NOT included in the setup, but are readily available in any Home Depot. I got the ones branded WorkForce HANGALLS Jumbo Carabiner. $2.99 each. Rated at 150 lb. max, so if you're under 300 lb, you're fine.
Bought the Perfect Pullup with ab straps and I must say that it works quite well. I had no problems installing the brackets using the screws provided. I'm just under 200 lbs and the screws are long enough to hold me. I live in an older home with low doorways so I do have to do the pullups from my knees...which isn't a big deal. It's more a product of my low doorways & the fact that I'm 6'2. Some other doorway pullup bars I've tried did not work with my doorways but this one is fine. Once installed, the product is very easy to use. The bar is easily removed from the brackets for storage in between workouts..and they reattach perfectly. Same goes for the ab straps.
I would definitely recommend this product.
I have used the Perfect Pull-up with ab straps for about 6 months now. This is a high quality, well thought out design and the materials and manufacturing are really top notch. I used slightly longer drywall screws to install the hardware to insure screw penetration into the wall studs with no problems.
I also bought the Perfect Pushup handles and continue to use them with equally good results.
I am 5'11" and with this system installed in a standard 6'8" doorway my knees don't touch the floor while hanging from the ab straps or pullup bar (with handles attached). If you are taller and your knees touch - it's pretty simple to just pull your knees up off the floor momentarily when you are in the extended position - really a no brainer in my opinion.
I run trails, mountain bike your round and ski tour in winter-spring, and thus my lower body is toned and I am getting a good cardio workout. I rely on this system to keep my upper body toned and am quite happy with the results. You only get out of a product like this what you put into it. If you are willing to commit to the workouts and schedules that come with this product you will see rather dramatic upper body results - at least I did. There are also many more tips, techniques and workouts available at [...]
Compared to other similar products that I have used this one is the best definitely deserves 5 stars -
This is perfect for anyone that loves to workout and wants to save space. The abs straps are a great bonus to the setup because other pullup systems make you buy them extra. This is a great product and i would recommend it to anyone.
The bar itself is a sold design and really good in handling heavy weight. I just found that trying to get the hardware in was a bit tricky and there were no directions on how to mount the bar. I wish I got the old fashion bar over this.
My review has no negatives towards the product. Its just that many men are too tall for this product to work in any hallway, or bedroom doorway. It is very easy to install, & I feel secure when utilizing it, I just wish I had a taller doorway so that I could stand when using this. The handles are great if you had a tall bar that you needed to reach, but ineffective since the bar is already too low, using these handles even lowers your reach significantly more.
I have not given up, I will think of a way to make these work.
I love the different pull-up variations you can do on this! And the handles feel solid, though I noticed one reviewer said they broke. The "hook" portion is steel but the gray part is plastic. Like any other bar that fits
in a door frame most of us have to bend our knees, so I would be a bit worried over concrete. Mine is over a carpeted floor so I don't worry about it. If the handles were all steel I would rate it 5 stars. - Pushup - Perfect Pushup - Fitness - Home Fitness'
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