I'm going to do something I don't normally do. I'm going to start my review by begging you to buy this product when you're in the market for an e-reader screen protector. Seriously, don't get the other junk. You won't be happy, and then, once you do switch to this one, you'll see what I was talking about... After giving some other company your money for their unusable garbage.
M-Edge knows the e-reader business, apparently. All their accessories are decent (although a shade over-priced). However, you get quality with M-Edge, which is something lacking in the knock-offs.
Here's how it all went down for me:
I needed a screen protector for my Barnes & Noble Nook. I shopped around. The official one offered by B&N is *way* too pricey considering you only get one screen protector in the package. The knock-offs you'll find here and on other sites are much cheaper, so I decided I'd take a chance and spend a few bucks (plus shipping) to get one of those lower-cost screen protectors.
After applying the "anti-glare" knock off, the first thing I noticed (aside from the poor fit; It was a millimeter too big for the LCD screen) was that their idea of "anti-glare" apparently works out to mean "reflects like a shiny mirror". It was terrible. I've no doubt that it would protect the screen, but it also completely ruined the look and function of the e-ink screen. Who can read a book when your face is reflected back at you?
I removed the stupid knock-off and started looking for an alternative. Again, the B&N model didn't please me. I'm not spending fifteen bucks for just one of these things! Not when the application process, if not done *perfectly*, can ruin the screen protector. I wanted some back-up. I wanted some chances to screw it up, just in case!
Enter M-Edge. I found their product at brick & mortar store, and researched online. Oddly, I found no reviews. In fact, mine seems to be the first review for ANY of the M-Edge screen protectors on Amazon! OK, so that was a dead end. Luckily, I had a gift card for the Big Box store, and despite the fact that I was gritting my teeth at the price (twenty bucks) I decided to go for it and blow my gift card on the M-Edge version.
Now, as an aside let me give you a tip on applying these things: Do it in a bathroom, with the door closed, after running a steamy shower. You don't want the room totally "steam-up-your-glasses" steamy, but you want there to be some slight moisture in the air. Why? Because it keeps dust particles from floating around, and gives you a "clean room" in which to apply the screen protector with a far lower chance of dust getting on the screen during the application process. Trust me: It works (just be careful you don't dunk you electronics in the toilet! And don't do it IN the shower, either!)
Using the above method, I managed to get my first screen protector on with no problem... Except that I didn't wipe my screen well enough with the included microfiber cloth, and ended up with a dust mote under it. Being the picky sort, I stopped applying that one (but kept it as a backup) and tried again. Success! And since there were three for each screen, I still had one fresh, unspoiled set remaining!
With this M-Edge screen protector on your e-reader, you can't even tell it's there. It's a TRULY matte screen protector, and doesn't reflect anything. It looks great; Just what you want a screen protector for an e-reader to look like: INVISIBLE.
The touch-screen protector was also just as simple to apply, and worked just as well. The touch screen works great with it on. No problems whatsoever!
* Totally invisible if applied correctly.
* Truly matte surface, so it does not make your e-reader reflective or shiny.
* Three in one package is a good value compared to "official" versions that only include one.
* Excellent lint-free microfiber cloth is included (good for use on your e-reader (or glasses!) afterward)
* Fits Barnes & Noble nook, Amazon Kindle, and Sony Reader Touch.
* Includes LCD touch screen protectors for Barnes & Noble nook.
* Seems to be less "touchy" during application process than competing knock-offs.
* On Barnes & Noble nook, the e-ink screen protector is about 1.5mm too short if you start flush with the bezel. It's not that noticeable, but it could fit a *little* better.
* For the price, I'd have expected they'd include a nice little plastic widget for applying the screen protector, instead of having me use a credit card.
* While it's a good value compared to direct competition, it's still pretty pricey for six sheets of plastic and a microfiber cloth.
* Nothing. This product doesn't have any failures or major problems.
BOTTOM LINE: This is the best screen protector kit for the Nook, Kindle, or Sony Reader Touch on the market, and the best value considering you get three protectors in one package (six for the Nook, technically). Please, please, please don't waste your time or money on the cheap knock-offs. They just don't compare. They're not even the same product, really. Yes, this is pricey, but trust me: You'll be happy you spent the money for the better product.
In this case, you really do get what you pay for. M-Edge Kindle Screen Protectors, 3-Pack (Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle) - Accessories - Lcd Screen - Best - Kindle'
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