I have eyeglasses, am a prosumer photographer, iPad, iPhone and Apple laptop user. These cloths are like non other. These are in a different league compared to a micro fiber cloths you by in bulk at Costo or Home Depot. These are a much finer fiber. I am very particular when it comes to cleaning my eyeglasses and the iKlear microfiber cloths clean the best I have ever seen. They clean very oily glasses with no streaks and they do it almost instantly with no cleaning liquids.
As for iPads and iPhones they are hands down the best I have ever used. And all this with no cleaning liquids....just the cloth! They almost work better with no liquid at all. I do use liquid iKlear cleaner on my MacBook Pro screen before using the cloth because it seems to get spots on it that need a bit of liquid to loosen enough for the cloth to remove.
I could keep going about my great photography lens experiences as well.
If you want the best cleaning cloth available......buy this! Klear Screen iKlear Micro Chamois Kloth
I purchased this cloth along with my iPad and I must say that it is awesome! This cloth will clean up the screen to it's original shine every time, with no water or cleaning solution necessary. At one point I splashed a little coffee on the screen, didn't notice, and it dried up. By just breathing on the spots and a little buffing with this cloth the spots came right off.
With an item as expensive as an iPad ($500+) a $12 investment is peanuts for the piece of mind this cloth gives. I would say that this cloth is an absolute must-have for any iPad owners!
The "Klear Screen iKlear Micro Chamois Kloth" is a great product and does everything it says it will do. We introduced my wife's ipad2 to her sisters on Easter and of course no one used the stylus. When we finally got it back, it was fill of fingerprints and smug marks. This presented no problem for this cleaning cloth. After a few wipes the ipad2 screen looked new again.
I highly recommend this product.
There are many screen cleaner cloths out there (microfiber, disposable, etc.), why spend $10 on this chamois product? Because it works and it lasts very well! I bought my first one of these in 2005 and just recently bought another to use only on my large screen TV.
The Klear Kloth weathers VERY well, the edges of the cloth are stitched so it doesn't fray. It is washable. Show me another product in this class that lasts 6 years and is still going strong.
I use the Klear Chamois Kloth to clean my laptop, my desktop monitor, my GPS screen, phone screens, etc... pretty much anything electronic related that I want to be careful with, I trust this product.
It is a nice large size, so it makes cleaning large computer monitors easy and also works well on large screen TVs.
My philosophy when buying anything is... even a simple cloth to clean screens... if I can spend a bit of time and find the best a high quality product that lasts, and does its job (mainly to clean and not damage my expensive equipment), then it is time well spent.
I've spent the time looking for you.... this is the product I recommend and think that you will want.
This cloth is really great for the iPad. It takes off all the prints and grease with just one swipe. It came with a smaller cloth that is perfect for my husbands iPhone, and two moist travel wipes that I have not tried yet. These were not listed so it was a nice surprise- getting two for the price of one!
This is the best microfiber cloth I've ever used.
You can use it on any screen/glass.
If you own eyeglasses, iphone (or any mobile phone), laptop, desktop screen, TV, etc. and you need
a cloth to wipe off marks buy this. It is very high quality and durable.
We purchased the Klear Screen iKlear Micro Chamois Kloth to clean our new, shiny iPad 2 (which quickly becomes not so shiny with fingerprint smudges after a few hours of use). It came with 2 travel wetwipes, a large microfiber cleaning cloth, and a smaller antimicrobial cleaning cloth. Just using the microfiber cloth is plenty enough to wipe the screen clean of any fingerprints and smudges! Highly recommended to iPad owners as they can collect fingerprints like no other.
Use this for cleaning the screen on my iPad. Works great. Lifts off the dirt and grime with minimal effort. The spray cleaner really isn't necessary. Just breathe on the screen to get a bit of moisture on the screen and this cloth does the rest of the work.
I bought this because Apple says it is best to use to clean my MacBook Pro. I also use iKlear Cleaner Polish for Apple. My computers clean well, lol. Truthfully though, I had a MacBook Pro for 5 years before I bought my new one, and, although this product could not keep it from wear on the trackpad area where your hands rest, it did keep my screen in pristine condition and still going strong - my husband uses that computer now. - Dust - Eye Glasses - Iklear - Ipad'
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