These cleaning solutions are legit. They work almost perfectly for cleaning off old and dried thermal grease or thermal wax, and the company's website has a set of useful instructions for how to use it: [...]
Basically, the solution labeled '1' is the one you use first to clean off the grease and dissolve it. You keep it there for maybe 30 to 60 seconds, and then wipe it off or put something over it to soak up the dissolved grease. I used paper towels for this. After it's all cleaned off, you apply '2', which is a purifier that removes all the tiny particles of leftover stuff, and basically makes it very shiny, smooth, and ready for thermal grease application. The purifier you can wipe immediately, using lint free cloth. I also used paper towels, since I didn't have coffee filters or eyeglasses cloth at hand, but it works fine as long as the towels aren't dusty.
Overall, the cleaning fluids worked great, and I used the Arctic Silver 5 grease for my laptop after cleaning it with these. You could probably go by without buying these, but it gives a lot of peace of mind to know that you're using something specially formulated just for thermal grease and wax cleaning, instead of potentially different mixes of isopropyl alcohol. Might be good to air out the room you're working in, since it does have a bit of an odd lemon-y smell. ArctiClean 60ml Kit (includes 30ml ArctiClean 1 and 30ml ArctiClean 2)
These cleaners made it easy to clean off my old thermal compound. It really gives me peace of mind that I am not hurting the processor with some other household cleaner. It made my life a lot easier and these cleaners are just a step in prolonging the life of my computer.
This two-part cleaning solution worked great. I had excess thermal gunk on my CPU from the stock fan and thermal transfer paste, but the first solution dissolved it. The second solution had a visible brightening effect on the copper.
This thing is great,
I used it to remove a small cooler master cpu hsf and replaced it with a hyper 212 plus
instructions were very easy to follow and it only took me like 5 minutes mind you i have only build two systems from so im still new to all this.
This product does exactly what its supposed to. i highly recommend it!
I normally don't review products that I purchase off Amazon because I'm either :
1. Too lazy OR
2. The product works but isn't anything outstanding.
With that being said, this product does wonders for removing thermal paste off old CPU's and GPU's. I tried using alcohol before and it was taking FOREVER. I purchased this ArctiClean substance and it took me less than a minute to get the processors to a mirror shine.
I would without a doubt recommend this stuff if you are having any sort of trouble removing thermal paste off your processor. - Arctic Silver - Thermal Compound - Cleaning - Cleaner'
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