*No Spoilers* just details that can hopefully help the undecided
First review (had to really great game) don't be too harsh
What an amazing game this is so far. The environment is so vivid. Graphics are up to par. This game was made for the Ps3!
Being a Rockstar Game, the controls are very similar to Grand Theft Auto & Red Dead Redemption. The controls also reminded me of Mafia II. Very smooth and fluid. There's also a map on the bottom left corner just like in the other Rock* games.
This game is not as fast paced as Grand Theft Auto. It is not a shoot first ask questions later type of game. Keep that in mind before buying. I'm enjoying it but I can just imagine some people hating it for be slow paced.
Investigating crime scenes can be so exciting as you do not know what or where your next clue will be. You are given the freedom to walk around and find clues with the assistance of vibration/music as you get near them.
There is no multiplayer for this game, which can be good or bad. I for one will be way too busy solving crimes around Los Angeles to even notice.
The PS3 version of the game comes with an exclusive DLC card to download a case called Consul's Car.
I pre-ordered from Best Buy so I received The Sharpshooter suit also.
And I was there for the midnight release so I received the nicholson electroplating DLC.
I will update as I get farther in the game & notice more helpful tips/details
The characters in LA Noire look so real. When they speak, it is shown in their facial expressions. No lip syncing here, it looks like they are actually talking. When a victim/witness is upset you can notice how their eyebrows kind of fold in.
When questioning a victim/suspect/witness you can choose from accepting it as the truth, lies, or doubt. Choose wisely. There's a score system which will provide you with experience points if you ask the right questions. These points can help you find clues easier.
I've experienced that some of the cars start to swerve if you're going too fast. Also even though you have destinations, you can just cruise the city limits. If you get lost, your partner will be more than glad to give you directions. "Make a left, take the right" kind of thing.
Fist fights
Some guys just don't give up without a fight. Team Bondi provides a nice block and punch system to knock some sense into them.
I've noticed you can use the block to make your opponent attack & opening himself for a nice right hand hook.
Cover system
By going into cover, the player can look around to see where the bullets are flying in from. This way you can pick the enemy out one by one. The Cover system allows you to regain health if you need to. Sometimes you will be outnumbered and outgunned. So this is where the cover system comes in handy. Cover and peek out when the enemy is reloading if they have serious fire power. The first time I ran into a shooting. I caught a bullet in the back. You've been warned!!!
There was an actual opened bloody wound on my back for a while. But as my health recovered it went away. so you can restore your health by staying out of harm's way. I like this system better than Grand Theft Auto's health packages.
Thanks for reading! L.A. Noire
I'm 33yrs old and I've been playing video games most of my life and I can honestly say that after playing this game for five hours this is one of the best games I have ever played. It is like watching a (mystery) movie and being able to control the plot. Graphics are excellent, controls are very easy to use.
I pre-ordered this game from amazon, they honored the pre-order price of $59, and I got a $15 credit towards my next game...I also ordred the .99 release day delivery and received it on time. Today (one day after the game came out) they increased the credit $5, but I'm not concerned about it.
Just a note, that this game is rated M and is definitely not for kids...You do very graphic detective work on brutal raped/murdered victims.
Aside from the controls, this game isn't like any other Rockstar game made...You can't go running around going crazy causing chaos like Red Dead Redemption or any GTA series. It is what they say it is, it is innovative and a very refreshing experience. I would say that this game could open a totally new Genre in the near future.
Buy this game here at amazon and enjoy it.
I love this game for so many reasons, yet the few irritating drawbacks infuriate me. The atmosphere, music, facial expressions, and story are amazing. I want to advance through the game as quickly as possible to find out how things progress. However, the completely hit-or-miss interrogation sessions and rooting through garbage can crime scene investigation have me sick enough to quit.
The facial expressions and voice acting are just as incredible as advertised. I knew going into this that picking up on facial ticks and eye darting were key to detecting inconsistencies in testimony. Still, no matter how you play it, there's no way to tell whether you should believe, doubt, or catch the witness in a lie. Some of the lying is completely obvious, yet you still lose for not selecting the correct choice between "doubt" or "lie". I don't mind doing more investigation to solve the case, but I hate feeling like a failure when the game gives me no other options or assistance.
I also tired of the same old crime scene investigations. You move from area to area, waiting for the controller to rumble so that you can investigate. Sometimes its evidence worthwhile, but more often its just a bottle or an ashtray worth nothing. Often times you find yourself re-examining an area after all other evidence has been found, as if you'd missed something the first time.
It pains me to write this review. I had this preordered, and had been counting down the months to its release. I still find it an amazing piece of entertainment, pushing the boundaries of what a video game can be. Yet some of the elements are just not implemented in a way that can be considered fun, or an attainable challenge. When you don't know why you're getting things wrong or misinterpreting information, there's no reason to hone your technique or continue. I'll probably just finish this up with a strategy guide so I know how to answer the interrogations. - Video Games - Playstation 3 - Adventure - Rockstar Games'
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