I wanted to rate this book 4 stars however the result is what stopped me from doing so.
Most of the info is common knowledge. Do not beg or cry for your man to be back with you. Have some pride and dignity. Be happy go lucky; do not show him you give a damn. Stop talking to him for a week then call him to hang out. End the date first, do not stay to long. Do not answer all his calls, keep him guessing. Stuff like this. No real "ah huh" moments. However, for those who have no clue it is definitely a good reading.
His ultimate big moment at the end is to not sleep with your ex until he promises you a commitment. That is it! He claims that if you withheld having sex with your ex, he will automatically want to be in a committed relationship with and this is a little presumptuous. Trust me, I am the NO girl! Withholding sex and making a guy wait at least 3 months for your loving and not having sex with your ex is a must! However, withholding sex from your ex will not automatically make him want to commit. Yea he will still chase you as he wants the goods, however, he can just as easily go have sex with someone else. This is not to say you should have sex with him, DO NOT unless he commits, however just do not assume he will give in because you said no.
I suggest getting: Why men Love Bitches and Why men Marry bitches by Shery Argov
Steve Harvey has two good books as well! How to Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back
I myself am skeptical of any "self-improvement" book but especially a dating one, but I bought it out of not really having any other options for me. My boyfriend is a player and was going out and meeting other women. My friends told me he's not right for me, and maybe they're right, but I want to be with him! I got the book and I put all the steps into place, and worked really hard. The best part was the letter the book gives you to break up with him (which totally turns the tables!). He was calling me and texting me, but like the book said to do, I ignored it. One of the only issues I have with this book is that it wasn't 7 days to get him back, it was about 3 weeks. Plus I would have been happier if it was cheaper. I know you can get a kindle version if you want, though. I'm just saying what my impression is. I did the manipulation tactic at the end of the book out of desperation (and being a red-blooded woman willing to do whatever it takes) and to my surprise it really worked. Now we're a couple again, he's going out much less and devoting more time to me in our relationship, and I truthfully couldn't have done it without this book's help.
I think it is a perfect first start book, but definitely explore other books. After finishing the book I did feel uplifted and I am confident that I can completely avoid contact with my ex for at least a week or two. If anything, it gave me my control back in just the 2 hours it took me to read the book.
In the end of the book, there are situations that should have been developed further. Like he advices at the first meeting to bring him home to your place, well what if I live with parents? Or if I have lots of roommates? I wish he could have given a plan for how to get invited back to his place and how to accept.
If anything, it is a great self improvement book, I took his advice and hit the gym, not to lose weight, but to stay fit. I feel better, more confident, more social. I am ME again. - Dating Advice - Relationships'
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