I bought this combo package for my son and he loves it. I also bought this chin up bar before and used it for my P90x workouts. I used a set of dumbbells but the adjustable resistance bands, in my opinion, are better. They provide excellent resistance from the get go and really challenge you. The bar is very sturdy. If you have a doorframe that is made of "soft" wood, you may want to pad it with a towel when using the bar to protect it. The wide grips and the neutral grips are a great feature. Overall, we are very happy with this product and highly recommend it for P90X. Maximum Muscle Package All In One Doorway Chin Up Bar
the bar is great it supported me and the heaviest of my friends... but in the other end the resistances bands are not that great 2 of them broke in the first 2 weeks of using them... wish they would of lasted longer
Assembly was pretty straightforward so no issues there. First time I tried to use the device it left HUGE black streaks on my walls from the rubber handles...not too cool. My low-tech fix was to put socks over them but that detracts from the friction use of the rubber (and looks pretty stupid) so I am in a "no win" situation. I would not recommend this particular product.
My wife and I bought this set for our P90x workout. The bar is very sturdy and works very well. After 1 week of using the bands as they were supposed to be used, the black band (the thickest of the three) broke. Amazon replaced the entire set free of charge after we sent back the entire first set, however it was a hassle to take apart the entire bar and then put together the new one when it came. I hope that it was just a flaw in the first band we had. I will update if I have trouble with the second set that came.
This product kinda sucked. Its not the same as in th pic and the pull up bar is to big for standard door sizes the resistance bands are ok but not the same as in the pic. Basically its a cheap brand go with a better brand..
I received this chin up bar and resistance band set as a gift when I started P90X about 6 weeks ago. I'm more of an athlete that kind of slacked off working out for several months (OK, about close to a year). So, when I saw the P90X commercial, I jumped on the opportunity to get a crash course in getting in shape.
I must tell you that the chin up bar is very sturdy and easily handles my 200 lb. frame. The bar more than meets the workouts required in the P90X videos. I actually do a more because of the multiple narrow-wide grips that the bar provides (lots of options)! The WIDE GRIPS are the best. They really work on your entire back that gives you a V-shape. PLUS, it works your shoulders too!
The 3pc resistance bands are awesome. If clipped altogether, it provides maximum resistance that even a hardcore bodybuilder will appreciate. What's good about it is that you can vary the resistance depending on what bands you clip together (or separately). The latex quality is allows for great elasticity and resistance. The door anchor also provides a variety of options for doing back or chest exercises.
Buy this product and you will not regret using it! Excellent for P90X.
I had to return this product because the holes in the bars did not line up. After unpackaging the poduct I can say that bands felt cheap/ low quality material, However I never used the product so maybe others have found them to hold up. Once I confirmed I had everything in the right position and the holes just did not line up - I packed everything back up and returned it (Which if your buying from Amazon was not all that hard, they also paid for shipping). I did receive my money back about 2 weeks later. Not that bad I guess but just a lot of wasted time. This could have been that one out of the bunch, but if not maybe a future consumer and recognize a pattern with this brand make an informed decision rather to buy or not to buy. - Resistance Bands - Pull Up Bar - Chin Up Bar - Exercise'
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