Overall, this game adds a completely new and positive perspective to the Tomb Raider franchise. If you haven't necessarily liked the Tomb Raider series, at least give this game a shot. On the flip side if you love Tomb Raider, its a must have. The graphics and depth are visual eye candy with a mix of a comic book look for the prologue. This game has a pretty good story line (not amazing but not bad) and plays from a perspective exactly like Diablo. The game areas are rich with extras (if you can find them all) and the puzzles are quite solvable; note that when I refer to puzzles I am saying that solving the puzzles in this game is not like trying to figure out a crossword or Sudoku puzzle. They immerse you in the game and have a purpose. You don't have to do the really hard ones if you don't want to either. If you don't though you will miss out on bonuses; ammo upgrades, etc. There are also monsters that spawn just about everywhere (even the puzzle rooms), which only adds to the fantastic environments and game play. You have a variety of weapons and specials to equip throughout the game too.There are only a few things about the overall experience that I didn't necessarily enjoy.
First being the controls, if you don't prefer using the keyboard and mouse (or are not particularly savvy with them) use a controller. I learned that controlling Lara with the keyboard and mouse takes some getting use to.
Second, the voice acting for some of the characters seems kind of cheesy at times and turns the game away from being a serious mythological and adventurous isometric dungeon crawler to a bit of a child like atmosphere and can distract from the enjoyment of the game.
Third, its almost like you don't have to work to really ration ammunition (except your pistols which have infinite ammo...yeah I know right). I mean you do have ammo for SOME weapons but I feel that it is way too easy to replenish them.
Despite some real minor annoyances, this game is great I really enjoyed it and I recommend that people give it a shot. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light [Download]
The game is worth the $12 I spent, because it provided hours of entertainment. But....for those long time Tomb Raider fans, you might be let down. This game does not have the view or controls of previous Tomb Raider games. The two player format restrains the perspective to birds eye only, no moving axes camera views so the characters are small and distant. The feeling of being submersed in Laura's world was not there. The difficulty level stays mostly consistent throughout the game, but the end is nearly impossible. A final note, one must download the Steam application and be connected to the on-line mainframe to play the game. :-( - Tomb Raider - Playstation 3 - Underworld - Video Games'
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