Disclaimer: Please excuse my tone if I seem agitated--it's just that I feel that Seidio is being very irresponsible (borderline reckless) by calling this battery "Extended Life".
I did a controlled and unbiased comparison between this battery and the stock HTC battery and I found conclusively that there is zero difference in longevity. Saying, as one reviewer has, that this battery will DOUBLE your battery life is positively absurd. In actuality, the stock battery actually outperformed the Seidio by about 2%. I encourage you to search Google for "htc 1400 seidio 1600" and you'll find a link to the Android Central forums where I posted my detailed results.
What are you going to believe? Some people's anecdotal observations, or someone's methodical testing? If you paid $50 for this battery, return it because you're getting placebo-ed pretty hard. Swallow your pride (just like I had to do) and get your money back. If you are considering buying this battery, either spend your money on a first-party battery, or buy 3 Chinese batteries for $15 on eBay--at least then you'll be getting what you pay for. Seidio Innocell 1600mAh Slim Extended-Life Battery for Use with HTC myTouch 4G and HTC ThunderBolt (Black)
Ive had this for over a week now. It does not last any longer then stock if anything it lasts less. Save your money and buy the fat extended battery. trust me stay away! I have to resell this on ebay now.
Quite honestly I'm not sure if this product lives up to its name. I've followed all the instructions on how to get the maximum use and it is still no better than the stock battery. This is after a full month of use. I will probably just break down and get the larger extended battery because this simply does not cut it.
I got the Thunderbolt a few weeks ago and the reviews so far are correct... in 4G, realllly fast data speeds and I'm fortunate to get 4G at my home. The reviews are also right related to battery life. If are just a moderate user of data during the day, and/or spend any time in a 4G area, you're going to need this battery. I wanted an extended life battery that didn't alter the size of the phone. This one does the trick. You can get even higher mAh batteries but they all will come with a larger back plate and your cases won't fit anymore. All I have to say about this battery is follow the directions. The first time you put it in, shut down the phone and charge it at least 8 hours the first time. So far so good.. I'm probably getting 4-5 hours more time now before the power meter even falls below 50%. I just a moderate user, texting and a few apps each day is all. Or else the phone sits on my desk at work pretty much most of the day. Love the phone. Until Verizon gets some kind of fix to the Tbolts battery issues, this battery is a must in my opinion.
I don't know about anybody else that is using this battery but I have been using it for about a week now and I can honestly say I am getting a full days use out of it and charging my Thunderbolt once a day. With stock battery I was charging 3 times a day. This is a must have if you do not want the bulky battery that is almost twice the milliamperes of stock battery. The first day using was a little bit better but subsequent days kept getting better. And take note I am constanly checking email and do a lot of web browsing and play games here and there and a lot of checking updates on Facebook , don't let me leave out that I check reviews on YouTube also. I repeat this is a must have for any HTC Thunderbolt user.
I originally was just looking for a second battery to carry around to cope with my thunderbolts not-so-good battery life, but, after following the instructions for charging, I noticed the difference after about a day. The directions say it will pick up peak performance after 5-6 charges, but I am already pretty happy with battery life. I abused my phone for a day (running games, flash, pandora, 4G, etc.) at 50% brightness, and I went far beyond where I would have normally just died with the original battery. That being said, I still carry my second battery for when night time comes around and I still am no where close to home. I consider this a new primary battery that will replace my original one with great results. I imagine once I root my phone I will see even better performance from this, but it's worth the money if you were already intending to buy a second battery.
I've been using this battery for about a week now. It does last longer than the OEM battery for the ThunderBolt. After 1 day of moderate phone usage, the original battery would be down to 32% or less. With this battery my day ends around 55%.
I do agree with other reviews about the "full charge status". After charging all night with the phone off, then turning on my phone in the morning the battery status indicator shows 92-94%. So far this remains the norm and I'm not sure why. If I have the time I top it off with the phone on. After that I'm down to about 75% after 5 hours. The max phone life I've gotten out of this battery is 1.5 days.
The instructions state that after 5-6 charging cycles battery life will improve. So far I have not experienced this. Maybe it will happen...
Neither this battery nor my phone heats up as others have stated. As a precaution against a dead battery, I do still charge my ThunderBolt every night even if my phone shows me >50% battery life remaining.
I would recommend purchasing this battery instead of an OEM extended battery - which adds bulk and size and then makes it difficult to place the phone in anything other than an open holster (I use a horizontal pouch).
If you are considering purchasing this battery, I would say "give it a try". If you want your phone to definately last all day, this is pretty much your only choice right now, not considering that OEM extended battery.
07APR11 Update - I've been using this battery for over a week now and I am ending the day with about 70% battery life! I didn't think the life would improve, but it has. Although when I charge it at night with the phone off, my battery meter shows 98-99% full. I plug the charger back in while the phone is off and then it charges to 100%. This battery is lasting about twice as long as the OEM battery that came with my ThunderBolt. I've increased the rating to 5 stars from 4. I definately recommend purchasing this battery!!'
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