I was in the market for a stop snoring mouthpiece and had been looking at a another brand of mouthpiece that cost twice as much as the SnoreMeds mouthpiece. I decided based on price to give the SnoreMeds mouthpiece a go. Ordering problems aside, I love this mouthpiece. It does what it says.
Molding the mouthpiece is a tiny bit tricky and I did mess mine up just a tad. I fixed it with a razor blade in about a minute. On the first night I wore it through about half the night before taking it out due to tooth pain. I put it back in for the last couple hours of sleep. The tooth pain was caused by problems in the molding process which was my fault but hard to prevent. After the first night my wife was blown away. She had trouble sleeping cause she thought I was too quiet. That I had stopped breathing because I wasn't snoring.
I've been using it now for several weeks and have grown very much used to sleeping with the device in my mouth. My teeth still hurt just a tad when I wake up but that goes away quickly. I have had no jaw pain as I have read can be common with these types of devices. I still snore every once in a great while but I'd say 90 to 95% of my snoring is gone.
One big drawback with this type of product is that it can allow me to snore. It's not really the device's fault though. About four days into this I got a cold. This made me open my mouth to breath. The mouthpiece does have an opening in it so you can breath through your mouth but when I opened wide enough my teeth would fall out of the device allowing my haw to return to it's normal position. Hence the snoring would begin. Once my cold went away I went back to breathing through my nose or my mouth but with it only slightly open.
I plan on using this for a long time to come. It's hard to price on my wife being able to sleep in the same bed as me and not cry all night because she can't sleep. I am truly happy with this mouthpiece.
If you were considering buying this product, then you know that stop snoring required moving forward your lower jaw to open up the air passage in the back of your throat.
The Snore Med requires to move the lower jaw forward passing the upper teeth, and bite down onto the mouth piece to form a guard that locks the lower jaw in a forward position. This position is an un-natural position for the lower jaw. As a result, during a sleep, the lower jaw became relax and tried to reverse back into its natural position. Since the mouth piece was locking your jaw in place using your teeth, the teeth lean hard against the mouth piece and become mobile.
I used this product for six months and have stopped using it following my dentist recommendation. My dentist found that both of my upper and lower sets of front teeth were all mobile (rocking back and forth).
After each night of wearing this product, I experienced pain and misalignment of the bites. Since there was a real benefit of stop snoring, I continued to use the product without realizing a long term negative effect to the front teeth from both upper and lower rows.
Be cautious and see a dentist after a few days of usage of this product to make sure that it is safe. There may be alternatives that a dentist can recommend which is safe and effective for your snore.
I bought this stop snoring mouthpiece last month and it has reduced my snoring considerably. I use to wake up feeling tired but now I have more energy during the day. It was easy to mold to my mouth using hot water. Once I got use to wearing it I was able to sleep through the night without any problems.
This thing works as advertised for me. One thing that is an issue - I do wake up with a bit of a stiff jaw every morning - I haven't gotten used to it with time. The stiffness goes away within a couple of hours of waking and this is a minor inconvenience & worth it for me (and mostly for my wife).
Reporting after three days use; I wanted to wait at least a week before reviewing this item, but couldn't. Was realitively simple to fit to mouth, (follow the direction to the letter), and worked first night. Wife said I had one small snore episode the first night. After that she said she doesn't remember, she was SLEEPING.
My jaw takes only about fifteen minutes to return to normal and I had very minimal discomfort in the morning, (fifteen minutes at most, both teeth and jaw).
Don't get me wrong, when you take it out in the AM, you can tell you've been wearing a mouthpiece, but the feeling goes away quickly, (at least for me).
For the price, it's definitly worth a try, (should have done it sooner).
I am so glad to have found this product. It really works for me and is definitely a quality of life improvement for me and my wife. And I am very happy with the price. If you are looking to solve your snoring problem this is a good place to start.
Couple of things about this product:
1. It is very easily molded to the shape of your mouth. You just dip it in boiling water for 12 seconds, mold it to your mouth then dip it in cold water to set it. And, the big thing about this mouth piece as compared to another that I tried is that you can re-mold it. You can give it a try for a night or for a few nights and if the fit isn't comfortable you can re-mold it. so it isn't wasted if you don't get it right the first time.
2. It works by pulling your bottom teeth (jaw) slightly forward and this is how you mold it - you pull your jaw slightly forward and set it in place. Experimenting with this forward distance is why you might need to re-mold it. And... my teeth are a little bit sore in the morning and this is from the pulling action - but it is minor and worth the quality of life improvement to myself and my wife. Defintely worth a try. - Snoring - Stop Snore - Snore Stopper - Apnea'
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