I got these knives as a gift. Ironically, the first thing to rust was the part of each knife stamped "Stainless Steel".
Let's be realistic. These knives are cheap. They're thin and they're not well weighted. However, they say stainless steel, and you figure that that's what you're getting. I hand-washed these knives and dried them immediately, but they still corroded.
Now comes the bad part. I wrote to their customer service department twice and didn't hear back. I finally got their address (from the post office) and sent them back the knives. It took three months of me emailing and calling them (with 15+ minute wait times for Each Call) to get them to send me a replacement set.
The replacement set rusted in about two weeks. That was in September. I just got off the phone with Miracle Blade, a call during which I was interrupted so many times that I actually had to say "I'm going to finish my sentence" so their rep would stop talking. They won't refund my money. In fact, they won't refund Anyone's money after 30 days. The lifetime warranty is for replacement only. They'll send me another set of soon-to-be-rusty knives, of course--if I pay the shipping and handling...Again. I asked the rep for his full name, for his ID#, and for a manager, and he refused all requests.
In summary, if you buy these knives, they will rust. You will want to get rid of them. Your only option will be the garbage can. Miracle Blade III 91M3RBXST2 Perfection Series 11-Piece Cutlery Set
I'm the husband- the recipient of the knives. They are certainly sharp. Our favorite knives are the steak knives and the rock n chop. My overall impression is they are cheap knives marketed to be better than they are (isn't that how all these seen on TV items work?). They are all super light weight, and for the exception of the rock n chop knife, the blades are all very flimsy. I have an old set of sysco cook's knives with the caterer's knife wrap, and although they don't hold a sharp edge very long anymore, they ARE weighted in just the right ways. Another gripe I have with the Miracle Blade knives is they don't appear to be fully tanged (probably the cause of the weight issue)- a fully tanged blade is one that extends through the handle, so the weight is balanced and the blade is stronger. I mentioned my favorite blades are the steak knives and the rock n chop. The steak knives are just about right for what they are. I would still like them to be a little weightier, but in general the blades are the right thickness and length, and they do a great job getting through cooked meat.
I bought the early version of these knives with the block in 2003. I like to cook. A lot. I am not easy on these knives. I was on a budget and decided to give these a shot. They're obviously not top quality and some of the knives are a bit off-balance, but they last. They're so cheap, I've used them to open packages and as tools, thinking that they've done me well this long, why not push them harder. I have been washing them in the dishwasher all these years, and guess what? They lost their logo. That's it. They're still sharp (the ones I can't sharpen) and still functional. My problem is, for the past 5 years, I've wanted to upgrade. I have nicer (much more expensive) knives that I have bought over the years, but I've been dying to upgrade and looking for a reason to do it. But I have a hard time doing that when these knives just won't die. The steak knives have gotten heavy (daily) usage over the years. I'll keep them when I upgrade, as they are still solid, sharp and the steel does not bend. The shears will continue on in my kitchen as well. They sharpen easily and have survived serious abuse.
I am not crazy about the filet knife because I find the blade unpredictable (a little TOO soft), but my husband loves to use it for everything but...
The bread knives have been very useful and have also stayed fairly sharp. But I've also used those for sawing wrapping paper rolls for crafts. If it weren't for cardboard use they'd probably be super-sharp.
The paring knife lost it's edge a bit and is difficult to maintain, but still peels hard fruit and pries things open without breaking.
The chop and scoop is actually quite useful for many things except harder things like semi-frozen meats. My husband's favorite, but a bit flimsy for me (not a complaint - the chop and scoop wasn't meant to work as hard as I tried to make it work) I usually just use a chef's knife for that job anyway. It's a matter of personal preference. If you do use it for harder work, bear in mind it can and will slip and/or buckle a bit because it lacks heaviness. So use it for things up to the density of onions, celery & garlic, possibly carrots, but nothing more substantial without getting used to it first.
If you want a set of cheap super-knives that I have not yet found kryptonite for, this is the set for you. Bear in mind you aren't getting the best balance, weight, steel, & build - you are getting knives that I have not beaten. I have literally tried to destroy them. Go ahead & try, and then please comment on my post to let me know how it works out for you. They are a great value. - Cutlery - Cutlery Sets - Miracle Knives - As Seen On Tv'
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