To start with, I love the concept for this item. Hard shell case that slips over my ipad and protects the screen. Bluetooth keyboard with built in stand. Both, in one product. Setting up the device to connect to my IPad was a breeze, and typing on it's fairly simple.
Having said that, the people who designed and tested the device should perhaps have reconsidered the USB connection slot on the side of the ZAGG mate. While the whole case is hard metal, that connector on the side of the ZAGG mate is held on by a thin piece of metal and believe me, it's fragile. I had to replace my ZAGG mate twice in a 3-day period because of this. Thankfully, I'd purchased it from a local retailer who had a lenient return policy. You only need to worry about this when you need to recharge the keyboard, which isn't all that often for me.
If you decide to procure the device, just be very, very careful when charging it. It doesn't take much of a tug on the cable to break the connector and keep you from being able to recharge the keyboard. ZAGGmate Aluminun iPad 1G Case and Bluetooth Keybaord
Definitely 5 stars. I'm typing this review off of my ZaggMate keyboard and iPad right now.
Setting up the bluetooth takes all of about 4 seconds. The keyboard is smaller than normal and takes a little bit of getting used to to type on, but it had to be smaller to match the size of the iPad. And herein lies the exceptionally cool thing about this product - the iPad fits nice and snuggly into the case and looks great. The aircraft aluminum on the case matches the aluminum on the iPad. The thickness of the iPad is only increased a very small amount, still easy to carry around, and certainly feels more protected than my previous case.
Your iPad will sit neatly on it's side, easily viewable while you type. Just like a laptop.
Only one complaint - you can't set the iPad in the ZaggMate "right side up" and use the iPad as you normally would, as the back of the iPad is rounded. I see why they designed it this way...if you wanted to do such a thing, the thickness of the two would be much increased when you put them together, and the keyboard would be set down far enough to make it inconvenient and uncomfortable to type with. It's not a huge deal to take the iPad out of the ZaggMate, set the ZaggMate aside, and use your iPad like you normally would...if, for some reason, you use your iPad in such a way that this is inconvenient (I dunno, like, you work on a crab fishing boat or something), then maybe this is not something you want.
If you are traveling with an iPad, this is something you want. If you don't like typing on the iPad screen, this is something you want. If you want your iPad to substitute for a laptop, this is something you want. If you enjoy making your friends and coworkers jealous, this is something you want.
Edit 03.06.2011 - it's still going strong and still fantastically convenient. I will say that after reading Matt B's review, which I found very helpful, I have been much more conscious of the plugging and unplugging and just take extra care not to yank the charger out of the charging port. And I still haven't had any problems with it.
I'll also address something else - certainly if you have big hands, this will be a little bit more difficult to use. I have "normal" sized adult male hands and can't type quite as fast on this as I can on a laptop but still wouldn't hesitate to type out a fairly lengthy email with the iPad and the Zaggmate. This edit came on the Zaggmate keyboard and took less than 3 minutes. It's still going strong and I still haven't had any problems with it after 3 months.
Wow, loads of misinformation in these reviews. I will start out by saying it's a pretty good device, and the keyboard is much better than typing "on-screen". It would be nice if the iPad was somehow more permanently mounted, but for what it is, the whole package works well.
I like this device, and have no connection it it's manufacture or sales, but I have to clear up a bunch of totally wrong information:
1. It HAS charging AND status power lights.
2. You do NOT have to reach OVER anything to get to the keys, there is a cutout area in the front of the case that your hands and fingers pass over/through quite fine. How you would "scratch your hands" while typing with this keyboard/case is beyond me - I literally cannot configure my hands in any way to do so.
3. It has VOLUME keys ON THE KEYBOARD, so you do not NEED access to the iPad's standard volume control. In fact, the keyboard keys work easier and more smoothly than the iPad itself.
4. It's pointless to compare this combination to a laptop/netbook. Those devices weigh a lot more, and/or have non-touch screens, have no form-factor to use as an ebook reader (I.E. keyboard is attached at all times, preventing easy lap/bedtime use), they cannot be used to sketch/draw with on screen (excepting convertible laptop/tablets, which I also like, but they are much heavier and very short on battery life), they do not have 8-10 hour battery life, they cannot be easily held or passed between two people in a casual presentation. Basically, there is little simularity other than iPads with this case/keyboard and laptops both have monitors and keyboards. The useability is quite different and apparent to all but the most ignorant.
5. Caps Lock - YES, it can be turned off and on, to say it cannot is wrong.
6. Battery Life - Why do some complain about how long it may last, and in the same sentence state they have no idea how long it lasts? Silliness to the extreme.
7. PopUp tab/hinge/easel scratching the iPad. No. This unit is engineered VERY well, and that "easel" part is specifically engineered to rest far below two soft padded areas on either side of it. In addition, the iPad is locked into the case EXTREMELY securely - it is impossible to get any movement in any direction once it is locked in, therefore it is impossible to scratch it.
In addition, people are "concerned" about the durability of the hinge/easel without actually experiencing any failures or issues with it. Modern plastics are deceptively strong, and until someone actually experiences otherwise, speculation is useless.
8. The back of the iPad is exposed and somehow vulnerable. NOT. The iPad is sold as a standalone device to be used with NO CASE at all, and it is not compromised somehow by ADDING a case to the front of the device. The back of an iPad is more than durable enough to take everyday abuse, and can probably be reburnished/resurfaced after long use, if the appearance bothers you that much.
Also, "shields" are not necessary, unless you also have he need to put those plastic covers on your furniture. The iPad and this case are metal. They will get slightly scratched up during normal use. If that bothers you, get a different case, or research one of the many ways that metal surfaces can be refinished.
9. Keyboard too small. Again, NOT. I have very large hands, am used to typing on all number of laptops, and with very little practice, this keyboard is very functional and easy to use.
10. Stability in the upright/on easel position. Yes, the iPad is not "locked down" to the case/keyboard, but unless you're jumping on a trampoline, or riding in the back of a jeep, the iPad is VERY secure in its propped position.
11. Unit "feels like it's going to fall out". Again, no. The foam around the edges holds the iPad into the case VERY securely. It is also pretty easy to get the unit back out of the case when desired.
I would suggest going to Best Buy or a similar retailer and trying it out for yourself. Many of the reviews here are simply ill-informed or just wrong.
(There are TWO power information lights... how can so many people MISS that?!?) - Ipad - Keyboard - Bluetooth Keyboard - Ipad Case'
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