I ordered this product on the day of release (not from Amazon, wasn't released yet). I am seriously impressed by it and will post a video after I clean up my place. It will also be with a cell phone camera so if it's not good enough I won't bother to upload it.Fan & BrightnessOk first, right out the box it is very bright and vivid. The colors really pop and are saturated, but in a good way. 500 lumens doesn't seem like a lot compared to bulb projectors but this holds its own. I have about a 90" screen right now with my light on and even on Eco mode (lower in brightness to save power everything is easily viewable. I don't even use regular mode as it makes the fan louder. The fan is not that loud but can easily be heard if the room is perfectly quiet. It sounds like a desktop computer with no dedicated graphics card. On Eco mode you can barely hear it. On regular, it's audible but nothing that would bother you. I sleep right next to it and it doesn't bother me one bit if I fall asleep watching a movie. In other words, don't worry about it. Some projectors have a problem with warming up and causing the picture to become out of focus but I leave this on all day and never have to focus it. A recommendation, tape a piece of cardboard (or something that doesn't look as cheap) to the ceiling in front of the light that shines on the wall you are pointing your projector at. It will make a huge difference in brightness and won't affect the lightning in your room one bit. You will be able to watch TV with the lights on while only the wall with the picture on it will be dimmer. It works great and I don't even notice light is being blocked. Keystone CorrectionThis projector has auto keystone correction as many projectors do these days although no one who uses projectors would recommend taking advantage of it. It distorts the picture because it needs to display a lower resolution to make up for the angle the projector is at Again, this is with all projectors. For a 90" screen my projector is about 4 feet off the ground and I use manual keystone correction set to 0. The image looks absolutely fantastic and I suggest you use manual and find where you can put the projector where you can set it at 0 in the menu. You will notice the top of the screen's image quality become dramtically betterSettingsAlthough I use eco mode all the time there is no quick setting on the remote for it. You have to go into the menus to turn it on and off. Play around with the color settings on the remote but you will find PC and Cinema look by far the best. Leave it on the best setting you find because it doesn't matter if you are watching TV or using your computer, those two will always be the best. Turn off auto source! It's super, super annoying. The second your computer or set top box does something and loses the connection for 1 second it will start cycling through trying to find a connection. I don't see anyone using anything but HDMI. Even if you did use another source just use the remote to change it. Trust me, its' really annoying. Now that I have it set on HDMI all the time I never have to change it. RemoteThe remote is very simple and I didn't expect much from it. I suggest you just get a learning remote and program the codes into that. It's too small and you will easily lose it. I just programmed a learning remote and kept the real one in a safe drawer. Picture ClarityHonestly, I hyped this projector up a lot and have been waiting for an LED projector with an acceptable amount of brightness. It definitely lives up to it. I can't wait to get home from work and play video games on it (which look incredible). I didn't play around with any color settings except the pre-chosen ones which I set on PC and left it (I feel it looks the best). Football looks amazing and walking into my roommates room who has a 37" LCD made me feel like I was watching it on a cell phone. This will ruin other screen sizes for you. I used to have a 50" plasma before I got this which was more expensive and I'm much happier with this. Sometimes when I use it I feel like I'm in the future (not kidding). The contrast ratio is a little low when the lights are on but don't let it discourage you, believe me, it's no plasma but it will not at all take away from the size and color of the image. Besides, anything that you want higher contrast ratio with you will turn the lights off anyway (even if you were watching on a TV) so that's not something to worry about. Overall, I would give this 6/5 stars. I absolutely love it. If they come out with a 1080p version next year I'm getting it the day it's released. I seriously doubt I will ever buy another TV again. Feel free to post questions in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them. Hopefully I can get a hold of a real camera to do a video review because I'm not sure how well a cell phone will work. Optoma's ML500, WXGA, 500 Lumen, Mobile LED Projector
I bought this for Home Theater use only (not for data). I am using an 80 inch white screen (1.1 gain) at a viewing distance of about 8 ft.The decision to purchase this unit was made on the following factors:LED - long life
DLP technology
Small form factor (easy to set up on a tripod)
Brightness (highest rated lumen output LED projector in this price range)
Reduced likely hood of the Rainbow Effect
Price Firstly, I did not expect too much with respect to video quality. My intent was to watch a movie or so at night, and some sports as well (my main TV is a Pioneer Elite Plasma). I was pleasantly surprised (once I adjusted the settings to my liking). Overall, the movie image is very "cinematic" - similar to a movie theater screen. The colors are vibrant and saturated - they are also pretty accurate; which was surprising since the color adjustment options are limited. Football looks fantastic as well. I've watched Blu-ray movies, HD cable, DVD's - they all look great.Regular DVD's looked really good - which I did not expect because of the lower resolution of DVD's. The ML500 is very bright for night-time viewing, the picture is still watchable with a little ambient light. I had to turn the brightness down a couple notches (I only use this at night) - with the LED mode in ECO (the normal mode is too bright). You don't want to look directly at the lens - it will damage your eyesight. I have not seen any of the Rainbow effect at all - neither has my wife, who is more sensitive to seeing this.Dark scenes look good as well, with good detail. Overall, the contrast, saturation, vibrancy and detail of the image is very good. The fan noise is actually less than my PC - it is only noticeable when my surround system is off. I have this mounted on a tripod - the unit gets warm, but not hot. On the downside - the preset picture modes were not very watchable for me, I had to make a few adjustments (which is not uncommon, I've done the same with my plasma). As with all LED projectors at this price, there is no optical zoom.Highly recommended - its great to own a projector and not worry about how much you can use it; because of the short lamp life! - Pico Projector - Portable Projectors - Mini Projector - Projector'
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