This dock (hockey puck) is great if you want to add a second location (office/car) to charge your touchstone-enabled Palm Pre.
If you have not yet bought any touchstone stuff, then do not buy this. You should first buy the touchstone kit Palm Pre Touchstone Kit which includes the back panel and one dock.
The confusing thing for many is powering the puck, as this dock does NOT include any cables.
The instructions state that you should not connect this dock to the USB port on your computer. The dock should be connected to an A/C power source; I hear a car charger works, as well. If you plan to buy this as a second charging location, then you're already using the cables/AC that came with your phone for your first dock. So after you buy this dock, you'll also need to buy either (a) a car charging kit or (b) a micro-USB cable and AC adapter to power this second dock. Palm Touchstone Charging Dock for Palm Pre and Palm Pixi
If you have the Verizon Pre Plus, ignore those saying this isn't "the kit" because you already have everything you need. The Verizon Pre comes with the Touchstone back plate, whereas the Sprint version doesn't.
I have the Verizon Pre Plus, which comes with the Touchstone compatible cover, but not the actual Touchstone. This works perfectly, right out of the box. It also works with the car adapter. It works great in the car because the bottom has a tacky surface like sticky notes, so it stays on my dashboard or shift console, making it easy to use and keeping it from sliding around and falling on the floor.
I was skeptical about whether this was worth having. Once I tried it, I am hooked. I wish it came with the phone, because it's definitely one of the best features of the Pre, by keeping it a truly wireless phone.
Well worth the Amazon price (cheaper than Verizon), and something every Verizon Pre owner should get. HIghly recommended!
The touchstone is great, but as others have written, know that this one doesn't come with the magnetic Pre back cover (which is needed to charge the phone) or a charger or a charger cable. You need these separately, either taken from your primary setup or bought separately.
What hasn't been mentioned already is NOT EVERY USB charger will work with Touchstone. Only certain chargers provide enough "juice" and only certain cables actually fit the microUSB slot.
Check forums like PreCentral d o t net for a list of compatible adapters.
As a device, it's wonderful, just know what you're getting.
The Touchstone is everything I wanted it to do EXCEPT for one big problem --- if I leave my Palm Pre phone on the Touchstone when the charge has completed, the phone keeps sounding "battery charging" constantly. I read about this problem from other reviewers and was crossing my fingers when I bought the product, hoping it will not happen to me. Unfortunately I have the same problem. I tried to adjust the phone position on the Touchstone, but nothing helped. If this is something a software upgrade can resolve, I hope Palm will release such a solution very quickly. This same problem does not occur if I charge the phone directly with the USB wire. Really annoying and with this problem, it is not worth to buy the Touchstone.
Jan 17, 2010. Finally I replaced the Touchstone and the backing plate for Pre. What a difference in performance! The Touchstone is charging properly as it should. No more annoying charging tone every 15 seconds. No more power drainage when I leave the phone on the Touchstone overnight. I am happy that Amazon did the replacement for me so quickly and without hazzles. Not sure what's wrong with the original Touchstone -- whether the problem is with the Touchstone or with the backing plate or both. But I am rating the Touchstone a 5 now.
IMPORTANT: As other reviewers have stated, don't buy this Touchstone unless you already bought the Touchstone Kit!! You need the replacement back for your Pre to use this! *Edit- Palm Pre Plus and possibly others already include the touchstone back.
- Sticky Back: I originally stuck the touchstone on a wood dresser next to my bed, re-stuck it vertically on the side of my desk about 2 months ago, and so far it has not fallen. It feels secure, but I would be a little nervous if there wasn't 1/2" carpet on the floor.
- Charge is fast. 2 hours gets it from dead to full.
- Makes a very quiet buzz and I do not suggest having it near your head while you sleep!! When I first put the Touchstone near my bed I kept waking up at 1am wondering what was making that strange noise. If you have any ambient sound, or if your touchstone is more than ~5 feet away, you won't notice it. If not, expect an almost inaudible, but still terribly annoying, "mmzzzzpmf... mmzzzpmf" every 2 seconds.
- Like the kit, no cord. What a pain!!
- For vertical users (like me), it would be nice if the magnet was a bit stronger. I wish I could haphazardly slap the Pre on, but instead have to set it on and very slowly pull by hand away to make sure it is centered.
Unlike the Sprint Pre buyers, the Verizon Pre Plus (mine at least) comes with the induction back cover. I believe this can be distinguished by the matte (versus gloss) finish but I am not sure. You can definitely tell by looking at the inside of the cover as mine has a very obvious circular induction area with a pair of brassy contacts where it transfers the power to the phone.
Just in case it's not obvious in the product listing, this includes ONLY the hockey puck shaped component. It does not come with any cables or wall jacks. It is compatible with your stock cable and plug, but see next section for additional detail.
As others have noted, the micro-USB port is deeply recessed so you must have a compatible cable that fits into the slot. Obviously the stock cable fits. In my case, the other (non-fitting) cable I purchased will be in my breifcase so I can use the original cable/wall plug with my touchstone. If you are not using stock Palm Parts (cable and wall outlet thing), you should also read other reviews as some report that some USB plug/converters don't work.
As of this review (March 9, 2010), the LCD display will remain on (at minimum showing the clock, notifications, and the lock button) when placed on a touchstone charger. There is no option to change this. The theory is good as this provides a clock. However, I have sleeping issues and prefer a pitch black room (I even turn clocks away/down) and the light generated by the LCD bothers me. I'm not the only to report this difficulty (forums confirmed it when I looked for a work-around) so keep this in mind if you want to charge bedside and light bothers you. By contrast, if you charge with the cable only, the LCD will go fully black -- also saving you the cost of the touchstone.
I still gave it 5 stars because none of these FYIs are really complaints about the product itself, just things for buyers to keep in mind when deciding for/against the touchstone. - Palm Pre Charger - Chargers - Pre Accessories - Palm Pre'
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