I gave it a four because when I first got it, it took me time to see and get used to the keys because they are kind-of small. If you want bigger buttons get 8330, my sister has one, wish I could switch with hers, but mine is newer and no tracking ball, which I really like to.. about this phone. Its sleek and easy to navigate..Before I had this one I had the 8120, ah--big difference the charge on 8520 last longer and takes a little time to charge up, but its worth it. Also, the keys I wished lighted up a bit brighter, BUT like I said once you have it after a few days you get used to it. My one problem with as I am thinking off the top of my head ..is there are not enough apps to go with or themes made for this model.
I am a geek for that, but as of now I have been able to download a few off my blackberry 8120 to my 8520.
Also, checking around i was able to get a few more themes, that are just awesome. The 2gb memory card that comes with it I took out and put in my 4gb from my 8120 in it. I read somewhere it can go to 16gb and pretty soon it will go 34gb...its in the works now.
I will say the quality in web browsing is GREAT and I have had no problems with dropped calls, lost signal, or getting frustrated with where are the keys for texting; all the numbers are on the left side..feels weird but after a day or so, it works better than my other blkberry which was the 8120.
Also there's a dictionary to while your texting, a firewall..it is just way better than I expected. If I go all over, I apologize, I am giving you want I can tell you about this product as I'm writing I'm having a flashback...lol.
Now if your a geek like me with apps, there aren't that many games for this Rim..I am waiting for new apps to become more available for my phone for some reason, 8320 has the most..kind-of peeves me at times, wen I am looking around as to adding to my phone but..this phone is pretty easy compared to my 8120. If you want to know anything else, ask..I will answer. BlackBerry 8520 Unlocked Phone with 2 MP Camera, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi--International Version with No Warranty (Black)
Excelente Producto. Lo recomiendo ampliamente, coloque mi sim de Digitel y funcionó perfectamente, llame a atención al cliente y active mi plan BB sin tener que ir a un agente autorizado, hasta ahora no me quejo, funciona muy bien.
the 8520 phone actually works well on at&t! no matter how much you learn the iphone keyboard, a blackberry full physical qwerty still wins, hands down. the spell checker and predictive type on bberry is better vs iphone and with the physical keyboard you misspell a lot less. since you can sync your itunes on here you only "miss" the iphone for its apps which really only work best on wifi. 8520 is lightweight, fairly thin, very light, has nicely spaced keys, and really cool media controls blended into the top of the device. nice use of rubber here on the device too lends some durability to glossy plastic finish. I jammed a 16G nand flash card into it too so i have music, movies etc with me. I bought the unlocked version since i use the 8520 when traveling to US from abroad .... without a full blackberry data package you lose out on things like email and blackberry messenger - but this is my 2nd/travel phone so i dont care too much - I use it when in the US with pay as you go on at&t - i get what i want a phone that works, easy texting, wifi browsing and music/video. iPhone is my main phone abroad but it wont stay that way once renewal time comes. I could easily see 8520 being my main phone but if you want the mobile internet experience (3G) and slightly cooler packaging then go for the 9700, but you pay for it - a lot more. given cost differential I would easily buy 8520 over 8900 ...8520 just feels a tad cooler too vs 8900 still too corporate. yet both are pretty similarly equipped. if you had full blackberry data package with this as your main phone u r probably happy person. i am more than happy with this as 2nd/travel phone. Cool thing about this unlocked version is i can buy pay as you go sim card, slip it in and work no matter where i am. in past my edge (non3G) blackberries actually run things like google apps and internet fairly well. i am sure 9700 with full 3G is better but necessary??
Very good cell phone. It is a real Unlocked International Version, I recommend it. It should be a way to have a warranty or may be we cuold have a certification that this product have been tested and it works OK. The resolution of the screen is excelent.It is not too expensive and is easy to handle.
I bought this phone for my mother and girlfriend and i can say for sure that is a great device, easy to use, great display, great keyboard and the track pad what can i say, just smooth, i don't know about the durability of the track pad but it seems that is going to last longer that the track ball. i would recommend this phone for starters in this world of smart-phones, it very easy to use and to understand the phone. - Blackberry Curve - Unlocked Phones - Venezuela - Gemini'
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