I have used the older Panasonic ER411 nose trimmer for a long time and really liked it. It gives a very close shave. So I decided to get a new one, and bought this ER415SC. I was horrified to find out that they changed the design for the worse, since it no longer gives a close shave! They must have changed the clearance of the blades. What a waste of money. I went back to the older ER411. Let Panasonic know that they should go back to the older design which worked.
I bought a Panasonic ER415SC Nose and Ear Trimmer about three years ago, and it worked well. So when it gave up, I bought a new one. This new one does not work near as well as the old one did. I have to go over and over and over the same areas in order to get it to work.
I have had three of these units at this point. The units work fine but there is one huge design flaw. When you open it up the unit to emtpy the clippings the nylon blade assembly falls out and in my case it goes down the drain. If the price was not so low I would be so mad I would not repurchase this item,
I haven't had good luck with nose/ear trimmers -- tried many brands including Norelco and Remington. I found Panasonic model, ER416, Wet/Dry, to be the best though. Seems to have good power and definitely trims hair. It stopped working after I dropped it, but worked agsin once I made sure all the components were back in place and lined up with the notches on the head of the unit.
I've purchased several of these. They work great for about 1 year of use perhaps once every 3 weeks for about 5 minutes. But after that they all start to break down after about 1 year....they won't run fast or consistently even with new batteries.
Panasonic should work on making these last longer.....people might be better off paying more for the one from sharper image...
Never bought a nose hair trimmer before, I am now 38 and do not want to look like my old shop teacher from high school. Researched many many models before I bought and got this model. Also purchsase the Panasonic ER112BC at the same time. The ER112BC was like [..]so I figured that if the spify one breaks as I have read these units never hold up too long, I would have a backup. The Er415SC is nice and you can do your ears and nose but it seems to lack juice. If you want to do detail work it is great but takes awhile to get the job done. I tried the cheapie one and it did the job with gusto. No nicks or cuts, but I now even breath better after using it. It has helped my snoring. No more twezzers or scissors. If you are just out for nose hair and use a beard trimmer like me for all other grooming get a few of the ER112BC and you wont be dissapointed. To the guys who say these things do not cut or twist hair mine works just fine. Your unit must be old- dull or you have a jungle in there.
I bought this based on experience with an older Panasonic model and despite bad reviews. In fact, the reviews of issues with the cutting ability were correct and it was a poor performer. However, I noticed that the cap from the old model fit as did the blade mechanism... so I took this device and replaced the cutting mechanism and cap with that from the older model and now it works like a charm.
If anyone from Panasonic is reading this, they should really just replace those pieces in the current or next shipping models... as now after my changes, it is as good as the original. - Nose And Ear Hair Trimmer - Nose Trimmer - Mens Grooming - Grooming Tools'
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