this kit has everything you need to nail down hardwood flooring. it uses
the porta nails T shaped nails which are serrated on both sides for better grip. i used it to install 1200 sq ft of 3/4" ash without any problems. a friend offered a pneumatic version which would have been easier on the arms but i liked the way the manual hammering forced the wood together. no spaces. you have to get used to how much force to use especially with the face nailer. has ratcheting action that almost always sets nails to proper depth. Porta-Nailer 403 Porta-Nailer Hardwood Flooring Nailer Kit
This is an awesome tool. I highly suggest getting this kit because you need all of the adapters to properly put down your hard wood flooring. It comes with a dvd on how to install flooring and use the nailer. Easily drives nails through oak, will be using it on walnut next. Only downside is that it does use a specialized nail that may not be readily available locally for you, just make sure you order more than enough nails for your job.
Great tool kit with a good price too. We install kitchens and baths and when my floor guy went out of business. Well, we had to do the floor. This nailer has a ratchet system that they did not have in my flooring days of old. You had one shot at getting the nail seated or you were on the floor with a nail set. Now this machine stops and allows additional hits to seat the nail. Great feature! Myself and one helper racking, it took just under 3 hours to install 130 sq. ft.incuding weaving into the dining room. The ability to switch from straight to angle nailing takes one allen key and about 4 minutes. This tool should last the rest of my life. It is light but made well and I don't ever expect to have a problem with this tool. If this is the tool the rental companies rent to all kinds, it has to be strong. Right? The nailer holds the floor much tighter than staples. I have used both and the floor with the staples will start to squeak before you leave/or fininsh the kitchen. This is a very user friendly tool. Nails are at local home centers for about two dollars less than Amazon. Home owners if you want to do your own work I would buy this nailer even though it costs more the the stapler. You will have a better job in the end and the family will happier for it. You can always sell it on Ebay or Craiges List and be out very little money. Just a note to people who don't do this type of work everyday, don't forget gloves. The handle is a little rough. - Hardwood Floor Nailer - Floor Nailer - Hardwood'
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