Yikes, this stuff tastes TERRIBLE! It's true, I applied a very small amount on my nails and went about my day. Later, I needed to eat lunch, so I consciously washed my hands with soap and water. I then had the unfortunate experience of tasting this stuff while I was eating - kudos for not being a wimpy product. I'm very impressed. I'm guessing I'm going to have to use this stuff for a while. Yeah, it's pricey, but the cream is a lot more effective than the nail polish products out there. It's about time this 33 year old guy got his nail biting habit under control. Control-It! 3 Jar ~ 21 Day Fingernail Biting Treatment OMEGA3 Extra Strength, this doctor recommended cream heals cuticles, unlike polish that drys cuticles, STRONGEST SUCCESS RATE Available
My son has had a very bad nail biting/picking habit. I tried several different store brand products that didn't work. Frustrated that he continued to bite, I decided to go on line and try the Omega3 Extra Strength nail biting cream. He has been applying it regularly, and there is a definite improvement!! Each time he puts his hand into his mouth he gets this terrible taste which stops him from doing it. At this time I'm very happy with his progress.
I tried this product with little hope as I've been biting my nails and cuticles for over 20 years. After only one week of using it, I had already learned that it tasted so HORRIBLE that I didn't dare chance even touching my lips with my hands! After the first week, I'd miss a day here and there of applying the cream, but I was still so concious of touching my lips for fear of the horrible taste that I wasn't biting my nails/cuticles even without the cream! I still used the full supply in a little over a month b/c I wanted to be sure I really did kick the habbit. My hands look like new hands now! I have to say that I would completely recommend this product to anyone!
I'm in my late 20s and a lifetime nail / cuticle biter. I bought this product not because my hands looked nasty (although they did), but because I was told (twice) that my incessant nail biting was making me look incredibly unprofessional during meetings and actually impacting my career. Yikes!
This product has cured what endless amounts of money spent on manicures couldn't fix - it's been about 3 weeks and my hands don't even go near my mouth. I'm rating it 4-stars based on a few caveats:
1) I didn't read carefully and was surprised when the 3 containers arrived - they were tiny! Each container holds 0.25 oz which is a lot less than what I imagined based on the product picture. It's no big deal, you don't need any more.
2) The horrendous taste lasts for a while, but they do wear off after washing your hands. I found that the taste became "manageable" for an addicted biter after about 3 washes. Be prepared to reapply throughout the day.
3) The cream is quite sticky. I'd apply and then have to wash my hands to remove the stickiness - which obviously counts towards your 3 washes mentioned above.
4) It could actually impact your meal choices as finger foods become a non-option.
Side note: It did, however, help me stop eating my comfort food of choice - french fries (for now).
All in all, it's been a really helpful product for me and should work well for anyone who has a nail biting habit.
I wish I had known several years ago about this product! We tried Thums (didn't faze) with our 5 yr. old daughter, an avid finger-sucker since before birth (caught on sonogram) and 8 yr. old nail biter, all kinds of positive rewards, encouragement, etc., to no avail over several years' time. At our wits end, I was going to order a vinyl glove to put over her fingers, when I saw the Control-It Cream, and I wondered if it was too good to be true. We thought we'd give it a try. We purchased the OMEGA 3, the stronger acting Control-IT.
My husband taste-tested it and said it tasted bad, but the taste just kept getting worse! After 1 application on my nail-biting son, he quit, begging me not to put any more on (I did for a week.) My daughter stopped her finger-sucking the day after we started, and only one time at night since then (now a month ago) have I found her at night with her fingers in her mouth. AMAZING!!! Her whole personality has changed!! She is waking up so refreshed and happy, and has a much more pleasant disposition throughout the day. The finger sucking was interfering with her sleep! But she sucked continuously during the day, as well, and that is gone, too. She puts the cream on herself, now, with a q-tip, and we'll continue to for a little while longer at night only. She is so proud of herself and her accomplishments, and both have received several rewards along the way. Thank you for the Omega3 Control-It!!!!!
The book, A Bad Habit, (Berstain Bears) was a good addition to help break these bad habits! - Nail Biting - Thumb Sucking Remedy - Nail Biting Solutions - Nail Bite Solution'
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