I tested the possibility of using my BlackBerry 8310 Curve as my primary mp3 player with an inexpensive Kingston 2GB microSD card. I ran into several issues in the process, but learned how to overcome them.
The Curve limits the file size transfers when they are sent to the phone's storage. This protects the phone from running out of memory. The trick is ensuring you are transferring files to the card instead. If you map drives on your computer, the first available drive is automatically used for the Curve's memory card. At home this is my F drive while at work it is K. If any other device is mapped to that drive, the Curve's memory card will not be recognized.
Additionally, there are settings that may need to be changed to allow music file transfers. Go to "Settings", then "Options" to click on "Media Card." Set "Mass Storage Mode Support" to ON. Also set the "Auto Enable Mass Storage Mode When Connected" to YES or PROMPT.
Initially to save music, I needed to remove the card from my Curve and transfer files directly from my computer. This is where the adapter, which converts the microSD card to full-sized SD card, comes in handy. After removing the Curve's battery, I simply popped the microSD card into the adapter and used my computer's SD drive. Do not format the card in the Curve, as it will only recognize half the storage space. If you must format, do so on your computer instead. Now that I have everything set up properly, this card does the job without worries.
Good price
Reliable card
None SanDisk® microSDHCTM 8GB Memory Card
When I received this amazingly small 8 GB Micro SDHC card, I could not believe it! It is so tiny! I am using it for my 8 GB Sansa Fuze to extend the capacity to 16 GB and it works great. I put all of my videos on it and there is no trouble at all. When I plug my Sansa Fuze in with the Micro SDHC in it, it shows up as the external memory. You can choose if you want your items on the internal memory or the external memory. I advise you if you have a regular Micro SD card slot not a Micro SDHC slot, this card will not work! If you have a regular Micro SD slot, you can only put in a 2 GB card or less. With a Micro SDHC slot, you can put in any regular or HC Micro SD card. Overall, this card works excellent to expand memory in any Micro SDHC compatible device.
I bought this micro card for my AT&T 8925 Tilt (HTC TYTN) phone and it works perfectly. I took a chance that the phone would support that size and it does (the AT&T specs list the max capicity as 2GB). I recommend also purchasing an adapter so you can use it as an SD card if you have a digital camera that takes that format. It would have been nice to have that as a package deal as opposed to giving the thumb drive adapter - but it's still a deal even with the few extra dollars for the adapter. If you have the Tilt and want plenty of storage space go ahead and buy this card.
I have a Motorola Q9c Smartphone and was looking for a mini SD card with lots of room on it.This Micro SD card is exactly what i was looking for.All i did was purchase the Mini SD card adaptor so i could put this in my Moto Q9c and it works great.My Q9c recognises almost all 8GB!If you are looking for a mini SD card with plenty of room on it get this one.
This card works brilliantly in my LG enV 2 cell phone. It formatted instantly and I was playing music and shooting photos and video immediately. HOWEVER, the only reader that could explore it was the built-in on my new Dell Notebook. Cards over 4GB require a downloadable fix from MS for older machines to read them. Even so, some card readers still aren't able to decipher the 8GB cards. Well worth the fix to have that much music on my LG enV2.
FWIW, the card I received was a class 4 (the good one).
I bought this here at Amazon for the BlackJack 2 and it totally works. It reads as 7782 disk space which is still cool. I was able to put any files (music, video, etc.) and it was fine. I deleted/transferred multiple times and it was fine. It definitely is the size of my pinky finger or less so be very careful that you don't lose it. I too can't wait for the day when there is a 32gb because I heard that may still work for the Blackjack 2.
I have a Blackberry Curve with the beta version of OS 4.5 and I used this 8GB microSD card and I now have a portable "flash stick" with me all the time. I carry my Blackberry everywhere I go and sometimes when I need to copy a large file, and I forget my 2GB flash stick, I can simply just transfer to my 8GB in my Blackberry. Just remember, this will not work in the Blackberry OS 4.2 - you can only go up to 4GB max. Make sure you upgrade!
I purchased this item for use in my new Env Touch as I wanted to really make use of its media capabilities.
Boy did I choose the right card. It requires no formatting nor setup for me to get it to work in my phone. Simply put it in and you're good to go.
For my PC, though, my card reading hardware doesn't exactly support SDHC cards above 4GBs, but my Env Touch basically doubles as a card reader, which works out nicely seeing as it is recognized in Vista easily.
I used Media Player to quickly sync my music from my PC to my Env Touch (with this card plugged into it) and it seamlessly copied over about 4GB of music in around 10 minutes or so.
So if you're looking for a good-sized MicroSD card, I'd definitely recommend this one. Just make sure you have the proper hardware that supports it or you won't be able to make use of this great, cheap MicroSD card! - Micro Sd Card - 8gb Sdhc - Cell Phone Memory - 8gb'
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