My fiance and I both loved this movie when it was released and we still do. When we heard it was coming out on Blu Ray and on top of that 3-D we were beyond excited. Well that excitment was crushed when we got home, put it on and were almost given instant headaches from the old school red and blue 3-d glasses and the fact that no matter how hard we tried to see it, it just was nowhere near 3-d quality. We sat there contemplating whether or not it was just us or if the 3-d aspect of it sucked that bad and we came to the conclusion that it was definately the latter. So after a half hour of trying hard to like it we switched it to 2-d (thank god for blu ray for having that option) and saw how in 1080p it was almost 3-d itself.
Needless to say the very next day I went back to the store I purchased it from and changed it for the regular blu ray version (which was $5 cheaper than the 3-d version and totally worth the purchase, 5 stars for that version.) It was very sad that it did not work out because such an amazing holiday movie with such great animation would be a no brainer to have as 3-d but unfortunately it just is not worth the headache and strain. The Polar Express (Single Disc Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray Combo)
When people go into a movie theatre they expect to be entertained. Audiences want to be scared, amused, curious, sad, and hopefull. Believe it or not, this film provides all of those elements and then some. I've read the comments by people who gave passed this film on as either "too scary to children" or "just plain boring with no plot" And I agree with several people who have responded to such comments.
This film isn't going to give you instant gratification halfway through. If you don't have two hours to spare then you aren't going to understand what this movie is about. Sure the plot was invisible at times, but I don't think the point of the movie was to have the audience follow a plot. The point was to reveal or in some cases remind people of the simplistic faith or child like view we once had in our lives.
Think of the characters themselves and what they represent. Hero Boy reminds us of people who are caught in between faith and doubt. Do we trust what we cannot see? Who is to say? Hero Girl shows the stronger side of faith and believing in what is not readily seen to the human eye. Childlke faith personified into a little girl. Lonely Boy represent those who doubt because they haven't truly experienced the joys of life or have had tragedies happen to them from an early age so they learn to only trust themselves, but that ends up leaving them...lonely. Then are those who are the Know-It-All character who claim to take everything at face value (much like the critics and cynics of this film). They want to know it all because what they don't know scares them.
I'm 21 years old and I haven't had nearly enough experiences in life, but I can say that I had been so busy growing up that I had forgotten that there was a part of me that was once simple, happy and appreciated the joys of just believing that things were true. That is until life makes you grow up and tries to distort your beliefs (much like HoboMan in this film).
When I first saw this movie my eyes widened with every new frame. It was the first time since my childhood that I can remember sitting in the audience with my mouth open and my eyes stretched out as far as they can be. I was stunned, by the artistry and complexity of the story. I was a kid again for two hours. It was like an old friend who I hadn't seen in a long time came back to visit. It was an amazing film.
It's a train ride, a leap of faith, a test of the human spirit. It's a ride and like the movie says: "It's not about where the train takes you, what matters is that you get on." THAT, my friend, is what this movie is about. Not being entertained by slapstick humor or satirical sarcasm, but remembering that part of you that resembles the kids in the movie. Believe.
Bravo on a fantastic film.
I will admit, 2 years ago I purchased The Polar Express 3D with the red and blue glasses.... it about made me sick when I watched it. The colors made me dizzy and the picture was heavily distorted. This on the other hand was a breath of fresh air! The 3D quality on this blu-ray disc is absolutely superb with minimum "ghosting". One stand out scene in particular is portrayed on the front cover of the Blu-Ray case, the train skating on the ice. The 3D effects are so fantastic here that I had to play it over a few times. Its enough to make you say WOW. Also, the entire North Pole scene is absolutely beautiful especially the zoom outs showing the large Christmas tree and all the kids and elves surrounding it.
I would highly recommend this to anyone with a 3D television! The picture is stunning and the 3D effects are breathtaking! The world of Blu-Ray 3D is growing, and this one definitely stands as one of the top 3D releases so far!
This movie was superb in many ways. The story is excellent and the movies great for children and adults of all ages to remember the innocence of youth and recognize the milestones we have all passed growing up. But now on to the real essence of this review: the 3D quality.
The 3D is VERY GOOD...in fact it's great on so many levels. The colors are vibrant and vivid and not washed out like many have complained happens when watching movies in 3D from dark glasses. Also, the picture quality was top notch in HD even while wearing glasses. The surround sound effects and audio couldn't be any more realistic and complementative of the video. The 3D was spectacular guys. Many scenes had things popping right out at you (which i love) and the depth was deep and realistic. I actually felt like I was in the movie. I have an 82 inch 3DTV so that helps but a crappy 3D movie is a crappy 3D movie no matter what screen you watch it on and crappy this was not. The 3D on this film will make any television pop and sizzle and truly brings out the power of your new 3DTV to your family and friends.
Overall watch The Polar Express is a wonderful holiday experience anyone should have the opportunity to enjoy and if you're looking for a good 3D movie then this is a must buy as you will not be dissapointed. Furthermore I experienced no ghosting at all while watching but that could be due to my televisions technology compared to plasma, LED, and LCD. Pick up a copy for yourself. You won't regret it. - Family Films - 3d - Christmas - 3d Blu-ray'
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