These work well but unlike other shoeinserts they come in a size 12 not thirteen. So if your over a size 12 your out of luck with this insert. I have them in my size 13 boots but any larger and this would be very uncomfortable. Dr. Scholl's Odor-X Odor Fighting Insoles, 1-Pair Packages (Pack of 4)
-These insoles provide just a little bit of comfort cush, but not support so don't expect that.
-The printed guide on the bottom of the sole that allows you to cut them to size is slightly inaccurate. I would cut the line which is a size or 2 bigger than your actual shoe size, and then cut edges and corners necessary to fitting your particular kind of shoe.
-The odor fighting ability of these is pretty good. My main problem was getting rid of that smell females tend to get from wearing nylons and shoes at work all day, and this got the job done. With regular nylon washing and these insoles my shoes and feet remained odor free for about 2 months before replacing the insoles.
Overall, for the value and efficiency I will buy these insoles again. I have also turned 2 other females co-workers onto these insoles who also like them.
I hope this was helpful.
These are a MUST have for anyone with a shoe odor problem. I tried shoe powders and they didn't get the job done. I also tried pure baking soda, but bacteria feed off corn starch products so that made any slight case of athletes feet worse! I tried other odor insoles and they only lasted a few days. I was at a loss as too what to do and the shoe odor was becoming a social problem.
Then I found Dr. Scholl's odor insoles. I tried them and figured they would fail like everything else. To my surprise these things have been wonderful. I have had ZERO problems with odor since putting them in my shoes. Maybe now I can keep a pair of tennis shoes longer than a month without having to throw them out. Give these a try and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.*******
I did do a few other things that seemed to help. 1) I started buying thin canvas tennis shoes to allow my feet to breath 2) I bought 2-3 pairs of shoes that I wear on a regularly and rotate wearing them so they get a chance to dry out COMPLETELY before wearing them again. 3) Our bodies toxins are released throught sweat glands in the feet and can cause odor, so I did a full metal detox from my health food store. Those 3 things in combination with Dr. Scholl's inserts have totally stopped the problem. HIGHLY recommend!!
UPDATE::: I think the metal detox was the real secret to my cure but I still wear the Dr. Scholl's inserts. You may have to replace them with new ones every month or two for really bad problems. But nothing else on the market can touch these inserts for removing odor problems. I give this product 5-stars all the way!
Confined in the combined leather, rubber, and nylon contraptions we collectively call "shoes", our feet do not air out until the shoes are removed. As a result, our feet sweat, and in time, that sweat promotes bacterial growth, and this produces the characteristic odor of "smelly" feet. In order to get rid of the odor, either one gets rid of the bacteria, which is virtually impossible, or one eliminates the sweat, or chemically treats the sweat. Dr. Scholl's Odor-X uses a sweat absorbing layer to wick off excess moisture, and then beneath this layer is a thin layer of activated carbon which deodorizes the moisture. Activated charcoal is carbon. Carbon is a natural filter that absorbs all sorts of impurities. It continues working until all the carbon is inactivated. Thus, these odor-x inserts will continue to render your feet and shoes odorless until the carbon is depleted. Depending on how much one's feet sweat determines how long the inserts are effective. Generally, in my experience, the inserts have to be replaced perhaps 3-4 times a year. This not only prolongs the life of your shoes, it also promotes a healthier foot/skin, and of course odor is neutralized too.
The inserts come in pairs (this pack has 4 pairs), and each is trimmed with a scissors to fit inside the shoes. A maximum size of a mens' size 12 is possible with these inserts. The inserts are not very thick, thus, one hardly notices them. However, if your shoes are tight to begin with, the added thickness may cause an uncomfortable tight fit.
All of my shoes have these inserts. When I take off my shoes at a guest's house, I no longer worry about my "stinking" feet.
These inserts are not bad, but they don't last as long as I would have expected them (meaning don't protect from odor for a long time). And they stick to your shoes which makes it a little bit hard to remove - they leave sticky bits behind. Not very pretty looking, but works for boots.
I can't believe how well these work. I had used powdered foot sprays before but they never did anything. These eliminated ALL odor from my shoes and feet.
I used them on a pair of older Adidas shoes that I had to stop wearing because after an hour of wearing them I could smell the odor when walking around. By the end of the first day almost all the odor was gone. By the end of wearing them the second day there was no odor at all.
I was a little worried that these would bunch up or slide around but they stay put just fine.
Very highly recommended!
I don't review things usually, but I simply had to review these! Before my review, I should point out: as another reviewer said, if you have bigger feet, you might be out of luck. But I'm a size 11.5 and had no problem.
To the point: these things work like a charm. I routinely "powerwalk" several miles around Manhattan at about 4.5mph for pleasure and to get where I'm going fast...and as the weather got above freezing, my feet and shoes started to get stinky after such walks. I read positive reviews of these insoles, went and bought some, and they're unbelievable. Tonight I walked ~5 miles at a very fast pace and was delighted to arrive at home with zero foot (or shoe) odor. I have no idea how long they'll last, but I'll continue buying them. Highly recommended. - Dr Scholls - Insoles - Odor Eliminator'
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