Pros: Also compatible with the original Graphire tablets (CTE-xxx). Better than a mouse when used with a Wacom tablet; works with no bugs or issues; very good build quality; appears and feels reliable; comfortable to hold; and attractive appearance.
Cons: Price is a bit steep. But I double it as a mouse, so it's reasonable after all.
This also works with the original Graphire tablets (CTE-xxx). I bought it to replace my less than two year old Graphire pen. This is of much much better quality. Looks like Wacom has realized that it made a terrible pen for an otherwise excellent tablet for the Graphires. The Graphire pen was extremely unreliable and also very uncomfortable. I heard many complaints and those complaints had a reason. The Graphire pen had a terrible design, especially with the rubber covering. The buttons themselves surrounded by the rubber clothing were also poorly made. It never felt good in your hand, and it became nearly unusable after a short time. I torn away the rubber clothing and continued to use the pen for another half a year, and the thing eventually became so bad that it was completely unusable.
I'm glad that Wacom made the new pens for the new Bamboo tablets compatible with the older Graphire tablets. So far, it seems 100% compatible and I've run into absolutely no issues. The new pen is better in all aspects. The buttons are much easier to access and are much better designed and made. And it lost the hated rubber cover. If you have ever used the older Graphite pen, you will especially appreciate the improvement made by this one. Bamboo Fun Pen Black
The Wacom Bamboo pen is really something else, at least, compared to my old Graphire 4.
The sensitivity is pretty amazing--really, it has a lot of depth. It took me a few days to get used to it, actually!
I bought two graphire 4 tablets-- both pens, at around the same time first started losing buttons, and then the eraser would give out...then it wouldn't work right etcetcetc, whatever was wrong with those has been fixed with this. I've had it for quite a bit now and nothing is falling off or has stopped responding. The only reason why I had to get a new one was because my dog ate the end off of my other. It's been noted that it feels comfortable in your hand, and this is also true!
Because I knew just what I was purchasing, I didn't need to know anything ahead of time. It could be noted that the pen seems to be interchangeable with other tablets. But I'm not sure on how many. Bamboo Fun Pen Black
I got a Wacom CTE-430 Graphire tablet some years ago, then at one point sat on the pen and broke it. The Bamboo fun pen works perfectly with my old tablet, and everything installed right the first time on OS X 10.5.7, and it responds to pressure in Photoshop without a hitch. It is nicer to hold than the old pen, the rocker button works more cleanly, and it's nicer looking too. A little more money and I could have bought a new tablet, though, and I was tempted. But luckily I am cheap, and now I am pleased with my purchase.
I needed to replace the pen for my 5+ year old Wacom Graphire tablet. My main concern was whether or not the new pen would work properly with the old tablet. No need for concern, it works perfectly and saved me the considerable expense of buying a whole new tablet.
I bought this to replace the blue pen (I thought I had lost) which came with my new Bamboo Fun pack. I was disappointed that the buttons don't have the same "feel" as the original.
Once I found the original blue one and could compare the feel of them both side by side there was a definite difference; the buttons on the blue pen --while not making a actual click noise has a definite clickish "feel", while the black replacement pen had more of a mushy feel. It felt like something sticky was in there and I wasn't sure when I let go of the button if it really retracted or was still pushed down.
The pen operates alright, but the button doesn't feel crisp and it's a little bit of a distraction from my project, and while my concern is definitely nit-picky, it is still relevant because the user experience is the whole point with Bamboo.
Maybe mine was a fluke, but when you buy over the internet flukes are not acceptable because returns are such a hassle.
This pen is excellent, right up until the moment you drop it on the floor or it rolls off your desk and hits the floor or your cat swats it and it hits the floor. Then it dies instantly. You can still use it as an eraser. At these prices, it should be a little more hardy. I'm going on my 3rd pen. This is too expensive for such an easily broken product. I had a different Bamboo tablet before, that pen was practically indestructible. I don't know why this one is so easily broken. I found some on-line tutorials on how to take it apart and possibly fix it. I have 2 to test the repair out on, so if I can fix even one, it will still save me some $$.
cool product, but the pen point broke quickly. i called wacom customer care who said 'the pen is bad buy a new one'. apparently the sensor inside the point regularly goes bad and i should buy a new one on their website ($69?! for another pen thats just going to break?!) i'm not about to buy a new one from this company, even for half the price on amazon, ill switch brands first.
I pen does what it says, my previous pen was broken when it fell from a pretty long fall. I then tried to repair it and it did work to some extent and would have worked better if i did not use a gel based super glue and instead used crazy glue for a tight gapless seal. The problem after that was that i could no longer deal with the garbage i created so i destroyed my old pen. fast forward 5 months and i now have a new pen, the only problem now is that the drivers for the tablet seem to be causing some sort of endless mouse wheel scroll down problem. I've isolated the problem a bit, it seems the tablet is telling the computer that the mouse is on it even though it is not. long story short... good pen well made products but the software aspect leaves a great deal to be desired, that or the lack of continuous software updates and support. Buy it sure, but watch your system drivers like a hawk. - Editing - Pen - Computer Accessories - Drawing'
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