At first I was very hesitant about trusting a cable so inexpensive. But, being on a tight budget, and trying to build a make shift "woodshed" to study music in, I needed SOMETHING. It's going between my midi capable keyboard and my computer to use under CubaseLE4 with some VST instruments. Plugged in the cable connections as directed, tinkered with a few settings (read the tips at the end), and everything worked beautifully. Very inexpensive, and does exactly what I was looking for. Not much more I could expect than that.
#1. If you're setting up your computer to use midi instruments, with a cable like this, uninstall any USB devices with audio capture on it (i.e. a webcam). When I first installed this cable, NOTHING would recognize my keyboard being attatched. It took me about 4 hours of trial and errors and some googling to find out that my Logitech webcam was preventing the cable from being recognized as an audio input. So, uninstall that stuff first, THEN try using the midi cable.
#2. Once again after hours of trial and error, and some googling, I found a catch with CubaseLE4. If you're using midi to make drum tracks, guitar tracks, etc. (Kore Player, EZDrummer, etc.), you have to add the channel as a VIRTUAL instrument, NOT a midi instrument. I don't know why they changed it in LE. But, I do know that it was a confusing lock out for me. Hopefully I saved someone a little frustration. USB MIDI Input Output Cable Converter PC Notebook
Works WITHOUT having to install a thing. I've used other cables - some work on Mac but fail on my PC - drivers won't remedy it. Just remember to put the cable's IN into the midi device's OUT and VV. Nice simple no name solution.
I'm running four of these cables simultaneously on a Mac Pro, without any problems. One thing I did notice, was that the instructions were incorrect. As far as how to connect them (i.e. in to out/ out to in). Instead the MIDI OUT actually goes to the keyboards MIDI out, IN to MIDI IN. Might be why so many people have had problems with these. Instruction were wrong. Running Logic Pro, OSX Snow leopard.
This is a generic MIDI-to-USB interface. After I bought it, I discovered that virtually all such interfaces that usually sell online between 2 and 10 US dollars are the same thing and probably built in the same factory (in China). The one I got was quirky and worked only when it felt like, not too often.
It also sucked too much current from the USB port, which means that I couldn't hook it up to my notebook - it needed an USB hub to power it properly.
I now am looking at the Edirol interface.
This MIDI to USB Cable works perfectly! When using it in FL Studio 8, it is very quick to recognize it and easy to use. The time it takes to get from the keyboard to the computer is so small it isn't even noticeable.
Some people have commented on how the adapter for the MIDI part seems backwards (In is Out and Out is In) but the instructions clearly specify this and tell you what to do. Nothing needs to be installed and it works right off the bat.
I had a MIDI SportUno before this and I couldn't get it to work, probably because of Vista, so I strongly recommend this to anyone who is choosing, especially if the Uno is being considered and you're running on Vista.
Great product!
this was really cheap - bought it almost for 'fun' after looking at other commercial version for up to $75. I could hardly believe that a $3 one would work - but it seems to work perfectly with my old keyboard (miracle piano), and my old Mac (powerpc 1.4, osx 10.5).. no configuration, nothing. just plugged it in, downloaded some free software, and it worked. Bought a copy of garageband on ebay for $9.. that should give me whole outfit.
This cable works very nicely with my piano and Fl Studio 8. I am running Windows 7 RC1 64 bit, and it still works. There is no delay from the time I hit the key and the time the note is played/recorded on the computer. This cable was defiantly worth the price, and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to record music onto their computer. If there is a delay, it is most likely the software you are using, and not the cable. I have a lower-end piano, a Yamaha PSR-172, and it works great, and I couldn't be happier. - Midi Interface - Usb - Midi Connections - Cable'
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