My family uses Lysine for fever blisters. I take 5 or 6 a day and it seems to cut down on the time that it takes for them to go away. (Be sure to drink plenty of water) It also seems to help my wrists when they are sore? (Not sure why, it just does!) :O) L-Lysine 500mg - 100 - Capsule
I have used L-Lysine for years to prevent cold sores. I maintain a dose of around 3000mg per day. This has had no ill effects and has prevented any cold sores from developing. I use two other brands of L-Lysine (NOW and Source Naturals), and they both seem to perform equally. I expected Twinlab lysine to be similarly effective, but since I began using it, I have had constant prodromal symptoms (tingling, warmth, redness, small bumps forming)--it is a daily occurrence. Nothing else about my diet has changed, and the prodromes began just a day or two after beginning Twinlab L-Lysine. I've successfully treated the prodromes with Abreva, but this shouldn't even be necessary if I'm taking such a large maintenance dose of L-Lysine. I don't know if the product is inferior, or if this is simply a defective bottle, but in any case, I don't recommend trying your luck. - Feline Herpes - Cats - Supplements - Cat Health'
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